Meet Allison: A Texas Lady With Perfect Penmanship

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4 min readJul 26, 2018

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Meet Allison Howell. She’s a Handwriting Artist who joined the team in June 2017.

She’s a stay-at-home mom who has always loved to write and draw. “I can’t remember a time when I didn’t draw,” she says. These days when she’s not writing and doodling away on cards, you’ll find her with her husband, two daughters and the family’s two dogs.

We’re going to take a look at her work, but for her, it’s not the cards she makes that bring her joy; it’s the comment from Punkpost users like you. “That’s what makes it worth it for me,” she says. Here are just a few of her favorite assignments from the past year that definitely give us all the heart eye emojis.

Donut miss this one: Allison excels at fun lettering and cute doodles, such as this batch of tasty donuts.

Signature flowers: Her go-to doodles are flowers, and specifically these swirly flowers. They have come to be a signature look on many of her sweet cards.

Takes the cake: When you’re talented at both lettering and drawing, you can create works of scrumptious art like this Happy Cake Day cupcake.

Mama mia: As you’ve seen, Allison knows how to draw food, and Italian food is no exception. Mmm.

Wonder work: Wonder Woman is a popular request from Punkpost users, and Allison nailed it.

Love, love, love: A simple love note comes to life thanks to impeccable penmanship and expertly placed dots.

Fast facts about Allison:

  • Location: Lubbock, Texas
  • When she’s not writing cards: She’s play with Peppa Pig toys, doing laundry, hanging out with her family and working out. In the summer, workouts also mean pool time. “West Texas is a desert in the summer!”
  • Writing background: She’s always been drawn to writing and has spent a lot of time practicing to achieve her handwriting and ability to write straight.
  • Go-to doodles: Flowers.
  • Favorite writing utensil: Pentel markers.
  • Favorite colors to use in cards: Teal, maroon and purple.
  • Favorite stamps: Wonder Woman stamps.
  • Favorite cards to write: Valentine’s Day because everyone writes such sweet message and Mother’s Day because “it makes me hopeful that my kids will someday send me a card in the mail, too!”
  • Workspace: The island in the family’s kitchen.
  • Favorite background noise: She keeps the TV on in the background to create a little noise while she works.
  • Favorite time to write: After everyone else in the family goes to bed. “I’m a night owl and thrive at night, or when I’m close to deadline.”
  • Cards written (so far): 1,000+
  • Skill building: Practice helps so much, and her Punkpost assignments make her pick up a pen every day and write. She also took a few courses from to help her improve, and they were really fun.

Want to see more? Order a card and request Allison Howell.

Stay tuned: We feature new faces all the time so you can get to know the real people behind every doodle and letter that’s sent with Punkpost. And if you can’t wait a whole month, you can order a card from our app or site. Who knows, maybe Allison will draw you some of her signature flowers.

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