New Cards That Have Us Grinning From Ear to Ear

Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2017

If you aren’t already smiling, look at the image above again. I mean, come on, there’s sassy old people and a dog wearing a GIANT bow tie. You can thank Vanessa Morais, aka Ness, for them. She’s the illustrator behind our brand new collection of cards titled Magical & Illustration.

For each card, Ness mixed her whimsical illustrations with humor to create a card design that’s sure to delight the recipient, whether it’s for their birthday or thanks for inviting us to your wonderful Halloween party.

Ness Morais smiles from her office in Spain.

How’d she get so good at that? We wondered the same thing, and it turns out, she’s been drawing little animated characters since she was a kid. She doodled on her desk and painted fake tattoos on her friends. Then, she grew up with the plan to leave art behind. But art wasn’t having any of that. It pulled her back, and she studied fine arts in Spain.

That brings us to today, where you’ll find her tucked into her little office in her home in Silleda, which is a small village in northern Spain. She surrounds herself with art from other artists she admires, a stack of her favorite comic books and her usually sleeping dog. In the background you’ll hear her favorite podcasts or “Milenio 3,” a favorite show she can watch over and over. Anyone else loving this workstation?

On her desk, she keeps a sketchbook and Wacom Cintiq tablet. “I was constantly thinking about new ideas or details I could make on the cards,” Ness says, and then sketching up different ways it could look.

To get the best facial expressions for her characters, Ness grabs a mirror and studies herself making exaggerated expressions. That’s definitely something we wish we could have seen in person. But alas, we are all the way over here in San Francisco.

That’s why we are so thankful for technology. We can even pop into Ness’ peaceful world and have her create cards exclusively for Punkpost. And you didn’t hear this from us, but … she might even have a few more coming out in the next couple of months.

Until then, you can find her new collection on our app (Apple or Android), and start sending today.

Want more Ness? Check her out on Instagram. She’s got lots of work up for #Inktober and you don’t want to miss it.

Don’t go just yet! If you live in the Bay Area, come visit Punkpost in person on Nov. 4. We’re going to be at the Fall 2017 Patchwork Show in Oakland alongside more than 150 other amazing modern makers. We’d love to meet you!




Send beautifully handwritten cards as quick as texting. 💌🎉