What Does It Look Like to Run a Business Out of Your Home? Let Us Show You.

Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2017

(Published on Punkpost.com)

Have you ever wondered where all those Punkpost cards are printed? Maybe a giant factory? Or a warehouse on the outskirts of town? Keep guessing. But, if you thought, a 921-square-foot apartment in San Francisco … ding, ding, ding … we’ve got a winner.

And we could not be more excited about a recent home tour on Houzz that takes you behind the scenes of Punkpost and the lives of its founders, Alexis Monson and Santiago Prieto, and their dog, Ziggy.

Hop over to Houzz now to see where the card-making magic happens on Punkpost’s 1920s letterpress machine, which casually sits in the living room. The rest of their place is dreamy, too, but that letterpress machine, aka Aunt Pearl, definitely steals the show.

This exciting feature brings us to a project that’s in the works. We can’t tell you about it quite yet, but we can tell you that the Punkpost apartment already looks different because of it. What could it be?




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