What to Write in Your Father’s Day Card

Published in
5 min readMay 16, 2018

Dad is one person we maybe don’t say “I love you” to often enough, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love him. He’s actually pretty great, and we’re here to help you let him know.

Here are six solid ideas to get you started and then 15 of our fave poppa cards packed with card-sending advice. Once you look through them, head over to our app or online platform, and order your card to ensure it arrives by Father’s Day in June.

6 Different Ways to Say Happy Father’s Day

  1. Thank him for that last time he came to your rescue, whether it was a flat tire or a little extra cash to make rent.
  2. Remind him to take a break, put up his feet and pour himself his fave beverage. He works hard, and even dads need to rest sometimes.
  3. Let him know you have the perfect Father’s Day planned, from breakfast to dinner and everything in between.
  4. Reminisce over a favorite moment, such as the first time he took you fishing or that time the two of you grilled up the best grub.
  5. Tell a joke. If it’s a classic dad joke … even better. If you have a really good one, email it to us at media@punkpost.co or hit us up on social media. We love a good joke.
  6. Gush about how great he is. If he’s anything like our dads, he works hard, teaches life lessons, and goes out of his way to help his family. Let him know it doesn’t go unnoticed.

Now comes the eye candy.

1. Admit one. Treat dad to his favorite local activity, such as the aquarium, and let him know you’ve already bought the ticket.

2. Start the waterworks. Words from the bottom of your heart are sure to bring a tear to your father’s eye, especially after you tell him that he shaped you into the person you are today.

3. Pour him a drink. Mom had her day; now it’s his turn. The least we can do is let him pick his food and drink for the day.

4. Remind him who’s his fave. Biological or not, we all have father figures in our lives. Send any and all of them a card, and don’t hesitate to remind them who their favorite child is.

5. Rank him at the top. To all the other guys, sorry, you’ll never be dad.

6. Wish him a wonderful day. If you know what his ideal day is, such as a day out at sea, let us know, and our artists will do their best to recreate the scene.

7. Call it how you see it. Send the old fart in your life a colorful card. He’ll forgive you for poking fun at his age. We hope.

8. Highlight the lessons learned. When you look back over the years, what skills or values has your father instilled in you? Let him know you’re using his lessons today!

9. Toss in confetti. For just $1, you can add confetti to your Father’s Day card. It’s sure to add a little excitement to his day.

10. Tell him he’s super. Because he is! If he has a favorite superhero, let us know in the requests at the end of the card ordering process.

11. Keep it simple. Let a few words go a long way, and pick our “sweet” style. That way, our artists can take it from there and add playful accents and doodles.

12. May the force be with him. May the 4th warmed us up for any Star Wars requests we might get this Father’s Day. You might also want to look for our Star Wars-themed card in the shop, if you haven’t browsed the options yet.

13. Send a card anyway. If you’re seeing this, and it’s only a couple days until June 17, your card probably won’t make it in time. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t send it. Dear ol’ daddio will still love the thought. And that’s what counts, right?!?

14. Bring up food. That’s always a winner with our dads. If you’ll see on the holiday, let him know what you plan to make for him that day.

15. Cover your bases. Some dads are just lucky, and their birthday falls on Father’s Day some years. If that’s your dad, let him know you remembered both!

Inspired? We hope so! Feel free to riff on these Father’s Day card ideas or blaze your own trail when it comes to your message. Hop over to the Punkpost app or online platform now to find the perfect card and order pop a card before you forget. Because that would be the worst.

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Send beautifully handwritten cards as quick as texting. 💌🎉 punkpost.com