Monsters Under The Bed — Pt.2

Puny Lines
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2024

Once she got back to her home, she immediately turned on the light, only to notice how empty everything felt like. It was of course, a daily occurrence for her. However, she quickly noticed, there was a box wrapped in a brown paper laying there on her dining table. That’s strange, she thought. Normally, if it were a package, either ones that she bought or gifts, the mail guy would just drop it in front of the door. Definitely not inside the house, unless they know the password to the front door.

She looked at her surroundings. She immediately thought of calling the police. Realizing that nothing seemed to have moved and nothing looked amiss, she decided not to. Having checked all her rooms once again and was quite sure that nothing seemed to be missing, she pondered whether the box could be from her mom. She take a look at it once again, and after a good fifteen minutes of wondering, decided to finally unwrapped it.

The box was rather tiny, only the size of her palm. Inside the box, she found a candle jar with a silver small paper card that had glossy finishing on the back side. The card had some handwritten writing on it which said, “if you could go back to only one time in your life, what would it be?”.

She was flabbergasted from reading it, and yet, she thought long and hard about it. No one had ever asked her that, because why would they when even she had never once thought about it. Sure, there were definitely moments that she regretted, but were there ever one definite moment in her life that could change the trajectory of her life?

Minutes and hours passed, she felt dizziness starting to kick in. She took some ibuprofen to help her with it and she could feel her mind getting drowsier. So she slowly closed her eyes, hoping that the world will unfold itself one by one to her.

She wasn’t much of a dreamer. So when she finally had a dream, even though one might say that it’s a bad dream, she was shocked at herself. In her dream, she was standing alone at an old and deserted building that looked like it might crumble anytime soon.

The building exuded an eerie feeling to it that immediately spooked her. She wanted to scream so bad, only to realized that no words were coming out from her throat. Her voice had left her; along with all those people that she once loved dearly.

She blinked and suddenly she could feel herself running out of breath. Water was everywhere and she was drowning in a vast sea. She didn’t have a clue on how to swim, and she could feel water started to fill her lungs.

Strange, I know I’m in a dream and yet it’s all just the same. Everything is just hopeless”, she thought to herself. Seconds before her lungs felt like being ripped apart, she noticed that her hands have grown so much lighter. She looked at her hands and only now realized- she has grown wings. So instead of swim, she decided to flew.

To be continued in Pt. 3

