5 People Foods for your Dog

They’re safe and good for them too!

The PupJoy Post
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2020


You know you’ve done it.

Even though you’re not supposed to give the dog table scraps, you sneak her a little bite under the table.

She’s just so cute!

Well. You’re not alone. Any dog parent (or dog auntie, dog grandpa) has done the same thing.

Behavioral implications aside, there IS a place for people food in a healthy canine diet. It can provide additional nutrition and variety — and you can use it as a special treat to reinforce good behavior (instead of creating entitled pups who steal steak off the counter).

Photo by Sacha Verheij on Unsplash

Here are the top five healthy human foods you can give to your BFF.

1) Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a great source of fiber and beta carotene. Both raw and cooked pumpkin is safe for dogs. To help your pup with constipation or diarrhea, try mixing 1–2 tablespoons of canned pumpkin puree into your dog’s food.

2) Green Beans

Yup — dogs love ’em. Green beans are rich in iron, plant fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese. If your dog tends to gain wait, try replacing some of her regular meal with a can of green beans. Only give your dog fresh or canned green beans, with no salt added.

3) Eggs

Eggs are an easily digestible protein that dogs loooove, and it makes their coats shiny, too! Limit servings to around 3 per week, and stick to cooked eggs over raw. Start out with boiled eggs and cut them up for feeding, or serve them the pan scrapings from your breakfast scramble.

4) Apples

Apples are rich in fiber and vitamins A and C. Crunching on apple slices helps clean your pup’s teeth and freshen her breath (so in that way, it’s kind of a treat for you, too). Make sure to remove the seeds and core, which can be toxic and serve in slices or chunks.

5) Salmon

Omega-3’s are essential for humans — think brain health, happy mood, clear skin, and shiny hair — and they do the same things for dogs! Try feeding your dog cooked salmon, or add salmon oil directly into her food.

Remember, use people food as a dietary supplement, not a free-for-all. And include any added human food in your dog’s caloric total.

Other than that — enjoy!

