Blog #5

Amanda Patterson
PURE 3600
Published in
1 min readApr 23, 2020

Where am I gonna be?

To be honest, I don’t even know where I’m gonna be this summer so for me to think even 1 year in the future is a little challenging.

I don’t know where I’m going to end up. Who am I going to be? Where will I be living? What is my career going to look like? Honestly, who’s to say? (sure as hell not me)

However, all of this considered, there are a few things I know for sure:

  1. I want to move to another city for at least 2 years. My mind leads me to New York, L.A., Chicago, Boston, New Orleans, Milan, London or anywhere else the wind wants to blow me
  2. Whatever I end up doing, I want to be happy doing it for the rest of my life. Sure, career paths can change and that’s okay, but no matter what, I never want my job to feel like work
  3. No matter where I end up or what I do, I’m totally gonna kick ass at it

So, I don’t really have a solid answer for what my plans look like in the future but I’m okay with that. I’m ready to live life as it comes.

