Bio Risk: Heart of Gold

They say tragedies come in three’s…

Pure Fiction
4 min readOct 13, 2023


Photo by Dikaseva on Unsplash

The sun sets over the emerald rows and bladed hills, backdropping tiny homes speckled in the distance near miles of clear rushing water. It’s another beautiful day in the sleepy village of Canakee Falls, and unfortunately, that means that today is the end of the world…again. So on this day, atop a cliff just outside of town, three men prepare to face their fate.

“I’m not so sure about this uncle.” muttered a wiry teen, head tucked in his mittens.

Old Jeb drew in a long breath of cool country air. “Nooo no,” he said, “don’t you worry Jobey. We’ve been planning this escape for at least one hundred cycles now. This is it. The one. Ain’t that right, Gandry?”

“Yeeep”, a nearby stocky man staring off into the distance proclaimed.

From the Cliff overlooking Canakee, the three men sent a glossy-eyed stare toward what can only be described as a shockwave tearing through the landscape, straight at them.

Jobey tightened his coat. “Ohh I hate this part.”

“Now calm down Jobey,” said Jeb, “Once we jump down into the water, we should be able to avoid the wave this time. Gendry here fell into a chasm filled with water during the last cycle. He said it was nearly painless. Right, Gandry?”


“Besides,” Jeb continued,” All’s we need to do is swim as deep as we can until the wave passes. You’ve been practicing holding your breath like I told you right?”

Jobey rolls his eyes. “Yesss.”

“Now, your mother, God rest her soul, was a pro at holding her breath. She would have made it for sure.”

“There is no God uncle. Isn’t that the point of all this?”

“Don’t be a heathen Jobey. All we have to do is survive the wave, then we get to move on in the timeline. I’ve had a lot of time to think about this. Why do you think every cycle there are fewer animals, a bit less plant life, and less people? This timeline is dying, and if we can survive the wave, we get to move on. Pretty soon, there will be nothing left. We have to.”

The three focused their eyes where the slow wave took on a tinge of red as it passed over a village.

Jeb continued in a low tone. “We’ll make it. I know I’m right. I can feel it. We’re stuck in a loop of time; it’s called loop um, dangit,” he muttered. ”Umm loop quantum gravity! Ain’t that right Gandry?


“Uncle,” Jobey wavered, “I’m not sure we’re going to make it out of this.”

“Darnit Jobey! If I told you once, I told you a thousand times. When your mo-”

“You don’t need to tell me again.” Jobey interrupted.

“Nooo no. When your mother, God rest her soul, was on her death bed, she said now you listen, Jeb, you better look after young Jobey or I will haunt you til’ your last days. I said awww Amanda! Why you always gotta take it to these extremes! She said nawww naw, til’ your last days Jeb. And I’ve looked after my nephew ever since haven’t I? I’ve got a heart of gold you know.”

“And a brain of tin,” said Jobey.

“Yeeep”, said Gandry.

“Now”, Jeb continued. “When we jump into the water, the current will be strong. And since we all have to jump from the highest point, it’s important that we don’t get tangled up while we swim. got it?”

Both Gendry and Jobey nodded in agreement.

The wave, drawing ever closer, was now a colossal wall that seemingly reached all the way into the sky.

Jobey began noticeably quivering, no doubt remembering the countless times he’d been torn limb from limb by the gigantic cataclysm only to wake up in his bed screaming yet again.

“Ok get ready boys!” shouted Jeb over the deffing sound of approaching wreckage. “Remember! Don’t get tangled up in the water! Stay clear of each other! If any of us don’t make it, regroup here tomorrow and try again!”

Jobey and Gendry exchange a glance at that last statement.

“It’ll be near painless!”, continued Jeb.” Near pailess! Ready! Go!”

The three were immediately met with tremendous backward momentum as they hit the water. Gandry’s heavy frame managed to make it the furthest down, allowing the old man to right himself quickly. He barely had a chance to make his first swimming motion when he felt a hand grip his ankle, then the seat of his pants as the person propelled themselves downward through the current.

Jobey, praising his own cleverness, actually attempted to launch himself onto Gandry’s shoulders, pushing off deeper into the water. He managed to do this just in time for Jeb to grab his nephew by the collar, pull himself down, and then use his face as a springboard to the deepest depths of the river. Now, under the current, Jeb swam frantically deeper until he thought he would pass out from the effort. Finally, his hands landed on the bed of the river just as the cataclysm reached the three. As the wave passed over them, all three were ripped limb from limb, just the same as it always had. Unfortunately, It was not near painless.

Bio Risk is an anthology that can be enjoyed individually or in any order. Stay tuned for more from this world — — —



Pure Fiction

I’m a writer ya’ll. Critique’s accepted. If you don’t like my story then read the next one. I promise it’s better. For real this time.