Cruelty of Love

Ghulam Mustafa Shoaib
Pure Fiction
Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2023

It all started with a simple love story. Emily and Jack were high school sweethearts, they had been together for three years and they were in love. Emily was the popular girl in school, the one everyone wanted to be friends with, while Jack was the quiet, reserved type. But they were perfect for each other, they balanced each other out. They were each other’s everything.

But as they got older, things started to change. Jack’s love for Emily started to become possessive, he couldn’t stand the thought of anyone else being with her. He would get jealous if she talked to other guys, and he would constantly check her phone and social media. Emily tried to brush it off, she thought he was just being protective of her. But it only got worse.

One day, Emily was hanging out with her friends at a party when Jack showed up, uninvited. He was drunk and angry, accusing her of cheating on him. Emily was mortified, she had never seen this side of him before. She tried to calm him down but he wouldn’t listen. He became violent, hitting her and causing her to bleed. Her friends had to intervene, and they called the police.

Jack was arrested and charged with domestic abuse. Emily was heartbroken, she couldn’t believe the love of her life would do something like this to her. She didn’t know what to do or where to turn. She felt like she was alone in the world.

After the incident with Jack, Emily was a shell of her former self. She couldn’t bring herself to leave the house, she was too scared to be around anyone. She was terrified of him; she didn’t know if he would come back for her. She was also dealing with the emotional trauma of what had happened. She felt guilty for not leaving him sooner, for not seeing the signs.

Emily’s friends and family were there for her, but she pushed them away. She didn’t want to talk about it, she didn’t want to relive the nightmare. She just wanted to forget it ever happened. But it was impossible, the scars were too deep.

Jack was released on bail and he was still trying to contact her. He would call her and send her messages, apologizing and begging for her forgiveness. But Emily didn’t want to hear it, she knew he was sorry but she couldn’t forgive him. He had taken away her trust and her sense of safety.

Emily’s therapist helped her understand that she was not to blame for what had happened. She was a victim of domestic abuse, and she needed to take the time to heal. She was given the option to press charges, but she didn’t know if she could go through with it. She was scared of what would happen if she did, she was scared of what he would do to her.

Emily’s friends and family were there for her, but she pushed them away. She didn’t want to talk about it, she didn’t want to relive the nightmare. She just wanted to forget it ever happened. But it was impossible, the scars were too deep.

Emily eventually decided to press charges against Jack. It was a difficult decision, but she knew it was the right thing to do. She couldn’t let him hurt anyone else, she couldn’t let him get away with what he had done.

The trial was a long and difficult process. Emily had to relive the nightmare over and over again, she had to testify in court and face Jack. But she knew she had to do it, for herself and for other victims of domestic abuse.

Jack was found guilty and was sentenced to a long prison term. Emily felt a sense of relief and closure, she finally felt like she could move on. But the process had taken a toll on her, she was left with deep emotional scars. She had to work hard to heal and to forgive herself for staying with Jack for so long.

Emily’s friends and family were there for her every step of the way, they supported her and helped her through the healing process. She was also able to connect with other survivors of domestic abuse, who helped her understand that she was not alone.

With time, Emily was able to start living again. She went back to school and got her degree, she started a new job and made new friends. She was finally able to leave the past behind and start anew. She realized that love should never be cruel, it should be kind and supportive. She was determined to never let anyone hurt her again.

The cruelty of love had taught Emily a valuable lesson. She learned that true love should never hurt, it should always be a source of strength and support. She was grateful for the lessons she had learned, and she was determined to never let anyone hurt her again. She was finally able to find true happiness, and she knew she deserved it.

