Cursed Love: A Horror Story of Fantasies and Fear

Ghulam Mustafa Shoaib
Pure Fiction
Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2022

It had been almost a year since Jane first laid eyes on the man of her dreams. She had been at a coffee shop, lost in her own world, when she saw him walk in. He was tall, dark, and handsome, with piercing blue eyes and a smile that could make any woman’s heart skip a beat. Jane had been struck by his charisma and charm, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had met him before.

She tried to brush it off as coincidence, but as the days went by, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was meant to be with him. She dreamed about him every night, and when she wasn’t dreaming, she was thinking about him. She knew it was crazy, but she couldn’t help it. She was in love.

But as the months went by, Jane’s fantasies began to take a darker turn. She started to dream about him in violent and sexual ways, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that he was hiding something from her. She tried to push the thoughts out of her head, but they kept creeping back up.

One day, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She had been following him for weeks, trying to get a glimpse of his life. She had learned that he lived in a secluded cabin in the woods, and that he rarely left. She knew it was dangerous, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she needed to see him.

So, one night, she packed a bag and set off into the woods. It was a cold and dark night, and the trees loomed over her like silent sentinels. She had been walking for hours when she finally saw the light of his cabin in the distance.

She crept up to the window and peered inside, her heart racing in her chest. She saw him sitting at his desk, his head buried in a book. She couldn’t see his face, but she knew it was him. She felt a wave of relief wash over her, and she knew she had made the right decision.

But as she watched him, she saw something that sent a chill down her spine. He was muttering to himself in a low, rumbling voice, and his eyes were glowing with an otherworldly light. She couldn’t make out what he was saying, but it sounded like a language she had never heard before.

She backed away from the window, her heart racing. She knew she needed to get out of there, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave. She was drawn to him, even though she knew he was dangerous. She couldn’t shake the feeling that he was hiding something from her.

As the night went on, the muttering grew louder and more intense. Jane could feel the power emanating from him, and she knew she needed to get away. But she couldn’t move. She was trapped in his gaze, mesmerised by his power.

Suddenly, he stood up, his eyes blazing with fury. He grabbed a knife from his desk and stormed out of the cabin, heading straight for her. She froze in fear, unable to move or scream. She knew she was going to die.

But just as he was about to reach her, the muttering stopped. His eyes went back to normal, and he looked at her with confusion and fear. He dropped the knife and ran back into the cabin, locking the door behind him.

Jane was left standing in the woods, her heart racing and her mind in turmoil. She knew she had to leave, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was meant to be with him. She had to see him one more time.

She made her way back to the cabin, her heart racing in her chest. She knew it was crazy, but she couldn’t stay away. She had to know the truth about him.

When she arrived at the cabin, she saw that the door was open. She cautiously made her way inside, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of danger. She saw him sitting at his desk, his head in his hands.

She approached him slowly, her heart racing. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes, and she saw the pain and desperation on his face. She knew she had to hear him out.

He told her the truth about himself. He was a demon, cursed to roam the earth for eternity. He had been searching for a way to break the curse, and he had found it in Jane. He had been drawn to her from the moment he saw her, and he knew she was the only one who could save him.

But with that salvation came danger. The demon’s enemies would stop at nothing to keep him bound to his curse, and they would do anything to keep Jane away from him. He begged her to leave, to save herself from the danger that awaited her.

But Jane couldn’t leave him. She loved him, and she knew she had to help him. She made the decision to stay with him, to fight for their love and to save him from his curse.

They spent the next few months fighting for their love, facing danger and fear at every turn. But in the end, they were able to break the curse and live happily ever after. They knew it wouldn’t be easy, but as long as they had each other, they could face anything that came their way.

Jane learned that love can conquer even the darkest of fears, and that with love and determination, anything is possible.

