Fiddy and Dog Food Delight

Gourmet Food fit for Humans

Alan J. Schwarz
Pure Fiction


Image by Cindy Parks from Pixabay

Dr. Leland McCullogh was an old school veterinarian. He had been around for ages and was rough around the edges. Alan Levine’s wife had said that the Doctor wasn’t a people person because his major practice and career was dealing with big animals such as cattle and horses.

The Veterinarian looked at Alan and Alyssa and almost spit out his thoughts. ‘’This dog has a very good chance of being gone by next week. There’s something off about him. If you want I can put him down now and save you some heartache. He has nothing left. The guy’s old, he’s gonna die.’’

Alyssa was shocked, Fiddy was only ten. His illness which Dr. McCullough couldn’t figure out how come on suddenly. He had just stopped eating and was getting more lethargic day by day. Alyssa Levine took her hand and ran it down Fiddy’s back. ‘’Uh, I don’t understand, is there nothing you can do for him?’’

Dr. McCullogh was prodding Fiddy who wasn’t responding. ‘’You know we did an X-Ray, we did Blood work, and I can’t find anything out of the ordinary. I think your dog might have some kind of blockage or he picked up a new variant of a virus, maybe Covid, but whatever it is, I can tell you with certainty, and I know this hurts you to hear it, your dog is done. You should think of euthanasia, you don’t want him to suffer.’’



Alan J. Schwarz
Pure Fiction

Alan Schwarz loves life. He is the founder of JAMS Productions, a television production company based in Toronto . His passion is writing.