Campfire Scary Tale

Grabbed by a Monster From Under the Bed

Feeling frantic — with heart beating fast — I dangled an arm over and waved my hand around the hopefully empty space beneath my bed

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Pure Fiction
Published in
5 min readOct 7, 2023


An animation of a fearful cat/person
Image by John Hain from Pixabay

“Auntie Em, tell us a scary story from when you were young.”

“Oh, it’s a very long time since then. But…” I paused for effect. “Perhaps you’d like to hear a true tale — about the night I discovered what was actually lurking beneath my bed?”

I was deafened by the shrill of kids voices screeching, “yes.” So I threw another log on the camp fire, told them to put their hand held gadgets away, and began.

“Many moons ago — way before mobile phones had been launched on an unsuspecting world— when I was just eighteen…”

“Come on Emily. Don’t exaggerate. You can’t be much older than your late 20s now,” Maggie, the children's mum, stated. We’d become friends since her family moved in next door about three years ago.

“Skilled makeup.” I replied. “Now, set the wee ones a good example and stop interrupting.”

Obediently, Maggie disappeared inside to find out what was taking my husband so long with the hot chocolate and marshmallows.



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Pure Fiction

Gardener, Pet specialist & proud Mum / Mistress of Flash Fiction / Writer & Editor / Cocktail Club Publications / Like food, coffee, hens & individuals