Half-Way Through To The End

Part One| To Depart In The Middle Of A Life

Pure Fiction
6 min readApr 7, 2024


Photo By KELLEPICS on Pixabay

Deceased. Done. Only dust traces a beaten-up file box with a smudged name written on it. One of many that Aletta Heyward has adorned before. Although this time she broke a new record by quitting at the tender age of twenty years old. Citing the reason as;

“Significant financial loss due to poor investment choices. Yolo”

As her guardian angel, Laurence, read the roughly scribbled report his stubby fingers twitched, and his platinum blonde brows creased.

“Oh Aletta, you’ve done quite the number this time,” he sighed as he signed the bottom of the report with golden shimmering ink.

Meanwhile, a rather tall man with silver hair and tight tanned skin was in an office busying himself. They called him Mr Creator a very powerful gentleman who was currently on his metallic thronelike chair refilling a variety of pens. While periodically adjusting the settings on one of several globes he had sitting in a straight line upon his mahogany desk. The layers of brown swirled on the desk like dark chocolate across a marble cake when a sudden and sharp knock came.

Come in.” he civilly replied continuing with his preoccupation.

Laurence entered the spacious, and minimalistic office adorned with a pristine cotton carpet and long double-hung windows. He hoped the news about Aletta would not provoke Mr Creator’s wrath.

“I can read your thoughts remember? I already know of her failure.” Mr Creator informed him staring at the cowering angel before him.

Laurence’s cracked lips turned up as sweat gathered across his pale forehead.

“A-ah, well about that sir...” He tried to explain as he walked over to hand Mr Creator the report.

“Don’t bother groveling Laurence, it’s not your fault. You can only guide her so much. After all, she has free will and loves to exercise it at every given opportunity.” Mr Creator emphasized the last part with sarcasm peppering his words.

Laurence exhaled handing over the report that felt as if it was made out of mercury.

Mr Creator grabbed the report and didn’t give Laurence a second glance

Laurence straightened out his glittery white suit as he waited for Mr Creator’s feedback. Watching for any changes in his stoic facial expression.

The handmade clock echoed in the room. Each passing second tickled his already quaking wings. Until Mr Creator cleared his throat and spoke:

“Inform Aletta, that I want to see her. That is all Laurence.he directed as he remained transfixed on Aletta’s report.

“Y-yes sir” Laurence replied before scurrying out of the room.

As soon as Laurence left Mr Creator sighed before tossing the report onto the desk. She just couldn’t see any lifetime through. He pushed his left hand across his thick effervescent locks. He was growing incredibly frustrated with her lack of commitment and blatant disregard for her opportunities. Mr Creator picked up an overflowing box that he used to store every report that Aletta had made before. As he read through each one carefully he observed a rather pervasive pattern. Which annoyed him greatly but also gave him an idea as to what he should do with Miss Heyward.

Meanwhile, Aletta picked lilac Orchids blissfully unaware of the trouble stirring. She had done this a plethora of times. Mr Creator always understood, why would this occasion be any different. She sweetly hummed filling her modest wicker basket to the brim. The vast emerald gardens in this village, cutely titled, Eden’s, never failed to produce the most vibrant and exotic perennials known to creation.

Her blissful activity seized however when Laurence materialized looking rather demure. Aletta stood to her full height and was about to give him a playbill worth of excuses when he shook his head and snapped his fingers. Her basket appeared in his left hand before he spoke.

I can’t believe that you ditched another life for such a trivial and petty reason. Honestly, have you learned nothing here? Is your head just a vacuous space?” Laurence quizzed as he clenched his free hand.

Well, I-I had a few issues-Aletta attempted to explain before Laurence held up his right hand.

Save it for Mr Creator.” He retorted.

This perturbed her greatly so she decided to tease Laurence.

Awe, did you get yelled at by the big boss man, is that why we are so cranky?” She teased making a mocking gesture with her face.

“No, but you won’t find it so funny when he’s evicting your high and mighty butt from here.” He replied after rolling his auburn eyes at her.

“Like he ever would, the only butt getting evicted is your sorry one for failing to guide me again. I’ll even pick a tulip for you as a leaving gift.” she snorted.

Laurence wanted to kick her for that remark but decided that whatever punishment Mr Creator had in store for her would have to be enough for now.

Aletta, just go before he summons you there, and don’t be a smartass. He isn’t happy with you.” Laurence scolded before gesturing in the direction ahead of him.

Okay, okay, geez Laurence, I won’t so don’t get your feathers in a twist.” She retorted before stomping away.

Aletta gingerly entered the room. The air around Mr Creator fell silent as he stood up.

Why Mr Creator, to what do I owe this pleasure?” she enquired smiling like a ninny as she fiddled with her fingers.

Mr Creator folded his arms his midnight-colored brow tentatively raised at her attempt to be coy and oblivious to the predicament she has caused.

Aletta, you know why you’re here. You did it again, you left your assigned life and failed to learn a single thing in the process.” he chastised as he held her under his heavy stare.

“It’s just so difficult. Nothing fits me and when things go wrong I don’t see the point in continuing. Why waste the time when I could be here?” she questioned dramatically moving her hands.

“It’s not a waste of time as you put it. Plus, you can’t say that nothing fits when you don’t give anything much time or consideration. Honestly, you can’t spend all of eternity picking flowers and acting like a child. There is work to do. Lessons to be learned. This won’t do Aletta, I’ve had it with your confounded shenanigans.” He lectured as the veins on his neck bulged.

I’m not a child-Aletta argued before being cut off by an exasperated Mr Creator.

No, I’ve had it this time. No more excuses or complaints. This is how it is going to go, Aletta. You’re going to get your behind back to Earth. Complete this new life assignment without ending it prematurely. But this time Laurence won’t be there to help you. That is a privilege reserved for those who obey the rules. Also, If you fail, you will spend the next thousand years in purgatory being tortured by trapped souls every second of your vapid existence. Are we clear?” He questioned giving her a stern look.

Yes sir, I understand.” Aletta responded lowering her head.

“Good. This assignment starts from this moment onwards.” Mr Creator replied as he shifted them out of his office.

They arrived at Heaven’s cloud-covered entrance where Laurence was waiting.

Goodbye to both of you. I promise that I will not fail again.” She uttered sadly before walking away.

She had a lot to figure out and didn’t want them to see her cry so she kept her head down as she left.

Mr Creator and Laurence watched cautiously as she departed into the alabaster mist without another syllable spoken.

Do you think that she will stick to her word this time?Laurence voiced as he bit his lower lip.

A pregnant pause formed between them before Mr Creator responded.

“She doesn’t have a choice but to do so I’m afraid. Let’s see how this plays out before coming to any further conclusions, Laurence.he replied sadly before vanishing.

Thank you for reading. What do you all think?

