Inhabitants of the Red Dunes

Somtoochukwu Benedict Ezioha
Pure Fiction
Published in
22 min readNov 27, 2023
Image Source — self-generated with AI by the author.

Mars One slices through the void of space, heralding 2097 as a watershed moment in our journey among the stars. Mars rises ahead, a colossal sphere hanging in the void, its landscape a vast expanse of reds and ambers, starkly beautiful in its desolation. A whirlwind of emotions churns inside me—a cocktail of awe and a creeping, wordless trepidation.

Born under the boundless Nigerian skies, I, Obinna Udeoji, now chart a course among celestial bodies, drawn to a planet that has sparked the human imagination for eons. The shuttle’s faint hum intertwines with the measured breaths of my crew, creating an atmosphere of keen anticipation and unyielding resolve.

This voyage marks humanity’s inaugural manned mission to Mars, the pinnacle of years of aspirations and challenges. My gaze sweeps over the crew, their expressions etched with fervour and tenacity.

Jin, the freshest face among us, exchanges a glance with me, her respect for me clear, moulded from quiet talks of bygone missions. I stand resolute, a steadfast beacon amidst a sea of uniforms, my inner storm concealed behind a mask of composure, a skill refined through years with NASA.

Jin meets my eyes again, hers sparkling with the fire of distant stars, her youth contradicting her astuteness, as sharp as the trail of a comet. Her silent acknowledgment, a wordless bond, echoes the depth of our shared journey. At my side, Aisha, my life’s partner and ally in this adventure, fixes her gaze on Mars, each blink, a step closer to realising a dream.

Carlos, the soul of our crew, infuses lightness and laughter, yet beneath his jovial façade lies the incisive mind of a geologist, like precious stones veiled in plain sight. Elena, our Fijian engineer, steadies our ship, her calm as reliable as the gravitational pull of a moon, her passion for space, and an unwavering flame in the emptiness.

Just beyond her, Mei Chen, our Chinese botanist, sits transfixed by the view below, her eyes wide with the endless possibilities that space offers. Specialising in extraterrestrial botany, Mei embodies a blend of curiosity and optimism, constantly seeking life’s whispers in the cosmos’ vast silence.

Her presence brings a hopeful perspective, always reminding us to look for life’s subtle signatures, even in the most unexpected corners of the universe. In this vessel, we are a constellation of individuals, our personal tales and aspirations interlacing, crafting the narrative of Mars One, a story of unity and ambition.

My heart races as I clear my throat, seeking more than just their attention. “From gazing at stars in Nigeria to commanding this voyage, it feels like a dream.”

Aisha turns to me, her eyes sparkling with the same fervour that captivated me when she first spoke of astrobiology. “Think of what secrets the stars might reveal,” she murmurs, her voice a blend of scientific eagerness and childlike awe, revealing her deepest aspirations. “This is just the start, Obinna. The universe holds endless wonders! Imagine finding life, even microscopic, beyond our world. It would redefine our understanding of existence.” Hearing her undimmed hope fills me with relief. It was her fiery dedication to exploring the unknown that drove me to endorse her place on this team.

Jin Sun glances away from her screen. “Orbital scans have hinted at organic signatures and methane, signs of life hidden beneath the surface. Yet, the true wonders …” She points to the Martian terrain sprawling beneath us. “Lie in wait on that ochre expanse.”

“Imagine teaching Martians soccer first!” Carlos bursts out, his wide grin slicing through the cabin’s tension like a sunbeam. His laughter, infectious and full of life, dances around us. Elena tries to resist, but a smile creeps onto her face. She playfully rolls her eyes at Carlos, her eyes sparkling with unspoken words.

This easy exchange, like a soothing balm, softens the edges of our nerves, worn thin by months of training and the recent thrill of Mars’ embrace. The cabin fills with lighter air, a welcome change from the suffocating anticipation of our mission. Laughter bubbles up, easing the tightness in our bodies and thawing the frozen worry.

From his corner, Isaac, our Ghanaian medical guru, chimes in, his voice rich with amusement, “Carlos, a soccer match with Martians would rewrite history! Can you see the Earth headlines now?”

Mei, usually quiet, lifts her head, a shy smile playing on her lips. “How about ‘Martians Meet Earthlings Over Soccer’? I bet they’d root for Barcelona.”

A subtle smile flickered across my face, born from the crew’s playful chatter. Breaking the light mood, I cleared my throat. “Putting jokes aside, this mission carries more than just the promise of new discoveries. We’re also silencing some wild theories.”

My words hang in the air, heavy with the unspoken name of Michael Robinson—a shadow from our past, his name now synonymous with a plunge into madness. The very mention sends a silent shiver through the cabin. Memories of a conference years ago flash in my mind, where his eyes sparkled with what we now dismiss as delusions. Coldness creeps along my spine.

Aisha’s eyes, a mix of respect and doubt, drift towards the window as Mars draws nearer. “We’re entering a world of legends, Obinna. Do you recall Michael Robinson? The celebrated NASA astrophysicist who fell into obscurity with his bizarre claims about Mars hosting wandering spirits?”

Her words cause the crew’s laughter to taper off, replaced by thoughtful expressions. Elena’s eyes meet mine; her usually practical demeanour clouds with scepticism. Carlos squirms, his humorous remark dissolving into the tense air.

A look of uncertainty crossed Jin’s face, her voice trembling slightly at the mention of Robinson’s theories. An air of cautious anxiety spreads among us as if Robinson’s spectre has slipped into our midst.

“The way he veered from esteemed scientist to the fringes of credibility always baffled me,” Aisha muses, her tone a blend of intrigue and suspicion. I nod, silently acknowledging the discomfort Robinson’s ideas still stir within us.

Elena’s voice cuts through from the pilot’s seat. “You’re talking about Robinson’s ghostly Mars theories?” Her tone, as sharp as a scalpel, leaves no room for doubt about her views.

Carlos lets out a laugh tinged with disbelief. “His work was more fiction than science. It’s a wonder NASA took so long to distance themselves.”

“Precisely!” Elena chimes in. “Ghosts on Mars? Next, they’ll claim aliens built the Earth’s pyramids.”

Aisha, with a soft smile, plays the role of peacemaker. “Robinson, known for his remarkable achievements in astrophysics, later ventured into more peculiar theories. His initial work had earned widespread recognition, even catching the attention of the elusive Mars exploration magnates. So, when he unveiled his radical views about Mars, it sparked debates and disbelief among scientists and the public alike.”

As I look at my crew, I see a blend of inquisitive minds and playful chatter. “Let’s remain open-minded,” I suggest. “Robinson’s ideas, though wild, beckon us to embrace the mysteries ahead. Our mission is to navigate these uncertainties with both doubt and awe.”

The shuttle cabin falls into a thoughtful hush, each of us lost in our musings about what secrets Mars might hold, potentially confirming or debunking Robinson’s eerie predictions. In this quiet, despite our bond, I feel a solitary weight of responsibility for my crew’s hopes and fears, now entrusted to me.

I observe their faces, etched with both anticipation and worry. The responsibility of guiding these passionate souls, these hopeful hearts, into uncharted territory weighs on me. How do I carry this load?

My thoughts wander to my childhood under the Nigerian night sky, where stars appeared as distant guides, illuminating my aspirations. I’d lay on the grass, mapping out constellations and envisioning worlds yet to be discovered.

A soft touch from Aisha snaps me back to reality, her empathetic smile signalling her understanding of my reflective journey. Out here, in the stark expanse of space, my childhood fantasies have transformed into a tangible quest.

A flicker of fear, uncharacteristic for a captain, stirs in me, but I dismiss it, redirecting my focus to our mission and the purpose that unites us.

Image Source — self-generated with AI by the author.

We are drawn to the shuttle windows as if lured by the siren call of an unknown world. Below us, Mars reveals itself in a spectacle of crimson and rust, a canvas of otherworldly charm and mystery.

As our shuttle caresses the Martian soil, a symphony of breaths fills the cabin—a melody of wonder laced with a hint of trepidation. Mars, with its untraveled lands and enigmatic stillness, beckons us, whispering tales in its silence.

The shuttle doors glide open, revealing the alien majesty of Mars’ crimson dunes. Stepping out, we tread gingerly, acutely aware of the exotic terrain beneath us. Our fingers, clad in gloves, linger above the Martian surface, yearning to feel the raw essence of this new world yet constrained by our earthly armour.

Our presence here is captured not in the sense of touch but in the awe-struck gazes reflected in our visors. As my feet press into Martian soil, a serene quiet, untouched by any earthly sound, embrace us, its profoundness tingling down our spines. In this world, where even whispers seem to vanish into the void, we feel the red planet holding its tales tight beneath the blanket of rust-coloured dust.

Casting fleeting glances at each other, our eyes betray a shared nervousness, magnified behind the glass of our helmets. The distant sun, a mere ghostly orb in the Martian sky, sculpts long, haunting shadows across the dunes, like the fingers of ancient gods stretching across time.

Each step crunches distinctly on the iron-rich soil, an alien rhythm in a vast, eerie landscape. Inhaling, the scent of oxidised iron floods my senses, a stark reminder of ancient, unseen worlds, a fragrance both alien and intoxicating.

Amidst this desolation, there lies an unsettling beauty, silent and immutable. As I gaze upon the dunes, it feels as though they softly murmur the lore of ages past, shaped by the breath of timeless winds.

Moving forward, my boots sink slightly into the iron-rich soil, each step a communion with this barren yet mesmerising landscape. Behind me, the sound of my crewmates, their footsteps muffled by the bulk of their spacesuits, gently disturbs the stillness as they descend the ramp into the embrace of Mars.

As I pivot, the Martian wind kisses my helmet, a soft yet tangible whisper from a foreign realm. With a touch shaped by dreams and restless nights, I plant our flag into the Martian ground. It rises, a solitary guardian among the endless red dunes, embodying our odyssey across the starry sea.

Standing tall, I face my crew, their features bathed in the dim glow of the sun, a canvas of wonder and gravity, reflecting the scale of our mission without words. The flag stirs, a subtle dance in Mars’ silent vastness.

“This is for all who dreamt and pondered the mysteries beyond our Earth … today, we unite under the banners of exploration and interstellar friendship!”

Emotion chokes my voice, and I catch glimmers of shared feeling in Aisha's and Carlos’s eyes. Overlooking the desolate stretch, a thrill courses through me, sparked not just by the alien cold but by the realisation that this barren landscape might hide dangers unknown.

The wind, playing across the dunes, seems to carry echoes of unknown tales, hinting at Mars’ rugged, unyielding beauty, a land brimming with stories yet untold and histories lost to time.

Mars is a frontier of discovery, but it also mirrors our own doubts and fears in its crimson sands. The wind sculpts mysterious patterns in the sand as if the planet itself were guarding its secrets.

“Mars clutches its mysteries close,” I whisper, half to myself and half to the crew.

Aisha steps closer, her gloved hand finding mine. “It’s even more breathtaking in person. Pictures couldn’t capture its essence,” she murmurs softly. I respond with a gentle squeeze of her hand.

Carlos leaps forward, stirring clouds of red dust. “Look at this landscape! It’s as if we’ve leaped into the pages of a vintage sci-fi novel!” he exclaims, sweeping his arm over the alien horizon. I imagine him picturing shining metal cities nestled among the dunes.

Carlos halts, his typically playful air giving way to introspection. “You know,” he starts, the mirth in his voice dimming, “I’ve always fantasised about walking on another planet. Yet, being here, it’s like stepping into a childhood dream. Thrilling, but also a bit daunting.”

His eyes, usually sparkling with jokes, now shine with a deeper, more thoughtful light. In this instant, he shows a rarely seen depth—a man who, beneath his habitual humour, profoundly grasps the significance of our journey.

Elena descends the ramp, her gaze slicing through the Martian horizon. She breaks the silence: “Romantic yet perilous—this world is no stranger to danger.” Our engineer always grounds our fantasies.

Isaac follows, safeguarding our medical kit. “Safety above all,” he says with his Ghanaian lilt, a gentle nudge to the gravity of our mission. We instinctively check our gear, securing helmets and monitoring oxygen—a silent dance of preparation.

Suddenly, Mei, our spirited botanist, bounds down the ramp, her eyes shimmering with excitement. She playfully bumps into Carlos, her laughter piercing the Martian stillness.

Eagerly, she ushers us together and says, “This moment is ours to keep!” Her voice trembles with emotion as she raises her camera, capturing our first human moment on Mars.

We huddle close, our smiles wide against the unyielding Martian landscape. Mei sets the shuttle as our photo’s backdrop, declaring, “For future generations!” As she reviews her photos, Carlos drifts away, fascinated by the scattered debris. He examines a rock, musing about Mars’ untold tales.

Elena, checking her equipment, chuckles at him, “If I spot a rock that looks like you, it’s officially ‘Spud’.”

Carlos’ laughter booms in his helmet. “Only if it’s a sight to behold!” The group’s laughter fades into a reflective quiet, pondering the mission ahead. Carlos turns thoughtful. “Imagine the stories Mars harbours.”

I gaze into their eyes. “Today, we’re not just scientists; we represent humanity and its dreams.” Heads nod in quiet agreement.

In the silence of Mars’ untamed landscape, our soft voices merge with the subtle murmurs of this alien world. The planet’s concealed geological marvels mesmerise us, our fingers combing through the ruddy soil, eagerly searching for echoes of ancient life.

In this quest, Isaac’s sharp observations pierce the quietude, resonating with our collective yearning to unlock the unknown. His intense, probing gaze reflects our fierce determination to decipher the universe’s riddles, courageously confronting the enigmas veiling our journey.

However, this fervent pursuit also exposes our overconfidence and our naive aspiration to master every new domain we encounter. The expansive, desolate Martian terrain reveals the delicacy of our human condition, pitting us against riddles that challenge our intellect, secrets defiant in their mystery.

The uncharted Martian soil, a silent guardian of epochs, underscores the sobering reality of our human limitations. Each discovery deepens the gravity of our mission, rooting a profound sense of duty within me.

Aisha’s firm hold on my hand rescues me from deep thought; her gaze fixated on the distant Martian crests.

Her hopeful words resonate with optimism. “One small step here could unravel mysteries beyond our imagination—not just of Mars, but of our very being.”

Meeting her bright eyes, I smile, albeit with a twinge of doubt. Should Robinson’s ominous theories prove true, are we equipped to face such transformative revelations?

Image Source — self-generated with AI by the author.

Returning to the confines of our shuttle, a heavy hush displaces the earlier fervour of our Martian touchdown.

Carlos, navigating the tight space, pauses at the screen, showing our celebratory photo, a vivid contrast to the wild Martian terrain.

“This suit really brings out the explorer in me,” he jests, his lighthearted quip trying to scatter the gloom that stubbornly clings to us, much like the Martian dust on our gear.

Jin scrutinises the photo, her focus sharpening as she magnifies an enigmatic, shapeless form in the background.

“Hold up. What’s that behind us?” she asks, angling the screen towards the crew. “It wasn’t visible when Mei took the picture …”

We huddle together, faces reflecting our bewilderment. In the image, a ghostly grey form seems to float over a Martian hill, an odd and disconcerting sight. It has an almost spectral quality, jarringly out of sync with the harsh Martian terrain.

This unforeseen apparition shifts the mood from earlier lightness to an escalating sense of unease. Anxiety coils inside me, the haunting suggestion of Robinson’s dire theories undermining our scientific triumphs.

The shape, more like a ghost than reality, appears to drift with the Martian currents.

“It’s as if a shadow has broken free from another time,” Jin murmurs, a trace of fear fracturing her scientific composure.

Aisha peers intently at the screen, her forehead creasing. “This looks like some kind of figure, but that’s impossible on Mars.” Her voice wobbles, betraying her unease.

I respond, trying to be the voice of reason, “It might just be a camera error. Remember, this equipment wasn’t made for Mars.” But as I speak, my own doubts bleed through, colouring my words.

Isaac notices our growing worry and reassures us, “We’re far from home; strange shadows aren’t unexpected. Let’s not jump to wild guesses.” His eyes meet mine, and I give a small nod, grateful.

Elena, tension in her voice, adds, “Mars loves its secrets. Could be the dust playing tricks.” She’s visibly tense, her eyes never leaving the image.

Aisha, deep in thought, muses, “Maybe it’s the Martian dust and light playing tricks shaping old Martian tales.”

Mei’s anxiety is clear. “But look at its shape, swirling like a frozen storm. It’s too real.” She shivers at the thought.

Carlos tries to lighten the mood. “A Martian ghost, huh? Let’s call it Casper.” No one laughs.

Jin, usually calm, looks up, fear in her eyes. “This is something else. I’ve seen enough images to know.”

Feeling a knot in my stomach, I decide, “We’ll send this to Houston for analysis. For now, let’s focus on our mission.” I try to sound confident. “We can’t get sidetracked by shadows. Gear up; we have a busy day tomorrow.”

The crew agrees, but the haunting image lingers in our minds, dimming our initial thrill. For hours, we’re engulfed in a storm of work; each lost in their duties, yet a silent tension throbs beneath.

Occasionally, I spot a crewmate peering out the window or glancing back, their eyes wide, half-expecting shadows to leap into life. Conversations about scientific wonders have quieted; now, there are just short, sharp talks about work.

Our mood has shifted, like the desolate Martian vista outside—our awe has turned to anxiety, and explorers now feeling like intruders on foreign soil. We meticulously recheck oxygen and seal our gear while a tense hush envelops us, broken only by brief nods and the lonely wind’s wail across the Martian plains.

This silence grows heavier. Without warning, a screech, foreign and bone-chilling, pierces the calm. It surges, then falls, leaving a thick quietness behind. We share worried looks, silently wondering: was it just Mars’ fierce wind or something darker?

Image Source — self-generated with AI by the author.

Dawn breaks as we don our suits, every peek outside, every tread on the Martian ground cautious, haunted by last night’s strange noise. As we scale a crimson dune in our rover, the scene unfolding chills me to the core. The terrain, once a beacon of scientific intrigue, now reveals a macabre secret.

Bleached bones scatter across the iron-red plains, their deliberate placement unnatural. Each bone, whether a massive spine piece or a tiny, detailed fragment, is carved with the passage of time, whispering of a lost Martian tale.

Kneeling beside a massive spinal piece emerging from the Martian sands, my mind races with possibilities. “Could Mars harbour life, contrary to our data?” I wonder aloud, my fingers brushing the sun-warmed sand.

Carlos approaches, doubt furrowing his brow. “Maybe debris from an unrecorded mission?” he ponders, his voice fading into the desert air.

Aisha gazes at the bone cluster, her eyes wide with a blend of wonder and apprehension. “It’s almost like a sacred arrangement,” she breathes. “Could an intelligent being have placed these here?”

Nearby, Mei inspects a different set, her voice carrying over, “Look at these symbols, Captain. They’re too deliberate for nature’s handiwork.” A tremor runs through her as she speaks.

Elena, after scanning our barren surroundings, announces with a puzzled frown, “No traces of life, technology, or wreckage. These remains appear to have surfaced out of nowhere.”

Thoughts of our exploration’s fine line between wonder and peril fill my mind. “Navigating unknown worlds requires caution,” I reflect, haunted by Robinson’s wise cautionary tales.

Suddenly, a spine-chilling cry slices through the silence, jarring my senses. We stand frozen, a collective heartbeat thundering in our ears.

Isaac, quicker to react, raises his hands soothingly. “Probably just the wind,” he suggests, but his voice betrays his unease.

The eerie sound intensifies, ricocheting around us. Jin, panic creeping into her voice, stammers, “It’s encircling us, Captain. What’s our move?”

That’s when I spot them: sinister, swirling shadows like those in the photograph, now materialising before our eyes. A knot of dread tightens in my stomach. “Stay close. We must evacuate immediately!” I command.

Carlos, fear flashing in his eyes, tries to lighten the mood. “Anyone else wish we’d avoided Casper?” His attempt at humour lands with a thud.

As I usher the team together, Aisha’s grip on my arm halts me, her eyes torn between fascination and terror. “Obinna, this might be groundbreaking,” she pleads.

I interject sharply, prioritising our well-being. “Safety first, Aisha. We’ll analyse the footage later.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Jin drifting away from us, mesmerized by one of the ghostly shapes slithering through the Martian air toward her. I feel a shiver race down my spine, my heart pounding in silent alarm. Frozen, the harsh truth of our plight grips me, as biting as the Martian cold.

“Jin!” My cry spins her around, just in time to see a swirling tendril reach out for her. In a heart-stopping instant, Jin’s scream cuts off as she crumbles into dust, whisked away by the alien wind. The scene, so bizarre and against everything we know, pins us in place, our hearts caught between horror and disbelief.

“No!” Elena’s tormented scream pierces the air, and a chorus of shock joins in.

I fight through the shock, yelling, “To the rover, now!”

Image Source — self-generated with AI by the author.

Driven by terror, the crew stumbles towards our only escape. Yet, the shadowy figures, like phantoms sculpted from darkness, glide menacingly towards us. Bathed in the relentless Martian sunlight, they morph into ominous spectres, silent but threatening. Gliding over the red sands like harbingers of doom, they chase us.

A tempest of fear and desperation whirls inside me, echoing the frantic beats of our hearts. We’ve encountered alien life, but it’s a grim discovery, not the hopeful contact we dreamed of. The Martian landscape, once a symbol of adventure, now mocks us with its rust-red hills, hiding dangers behind every boulder.

As we sprint towards the rover, it dissolves into a whirlwind of dust, shattering our escape plan. Forced to flee on foot, we dash, the relentless beings trailing us, their silent pursuit pushing us towards a fate unknown.

Desperation fuels each step I take, pushing me through the Martian sands. Breathing is a fight; the planet’s thin air attacks my lungs. The heavy breathing of my crew forms a desperate symphony, breaking the eerie silence of this alien world.

“Keep moving! The shuttle is our ticket back!” I urge, refusing to let exhaustion slow me down. Giving up means death.

Carlos trips on the rough ground, his determination clear as he rises again, sweat glistening inside his helmet. “We’re not built for this, Obinna!” he gasps, his new attempt at humour failing to mask his fear.

Elena glances back, her face drained of colour. “They’re closing in from both sides,” she warns. My heart races as I see the entities encircling us, moving like otherworldly guardians, their silver forms haunting our steps.

Isaac, his hand on his chest, observes, “They’re watching us like birds studying their prey.” His curiosity battles the fear.

Aisha snaps, “They’re not birds, and we’re not their playthings!” Her courage falters as she falls.

I grab her, urging, “Keep moving!” The shuttle is in sight but still a world away. The entities draw closer, their slow approach heightening our terror.

Mei stumbles, her despair evident as she falls. I moved to help her. “I can’t do this …” she whispers.

“No!” I shout, but it’s too late. The entity reaches Mei, and she dissolves into a cloud of shimmering particles. Carlos curses, his face twisted in a mix of anger and fear.

The shuttle’s landing gear is almost within our grasp when a shadowy figure suddenly captures Carlos in its deadly grip. His shout of resistance is cut short, and he vanishes into the iron dust, blanketing the ground.

Elena’s cry of despair, “Carlos!” jolts me into action. In the blink of an eye, we’ve lost two comrades. Seizing Elena’s arm, I lead our dwindling group through a storm of sparkling dust. Isaac bravely faces our ghostly assailants, hoping to give us a fighting chance. Yet they spare him no mercy.

As his voice faded, Aisha’s soft cry for him echoed, her steps faltering in shock. The shuttle, a mere twenty yards away, beckons us. But disaster strikes again as Elena falls, her helmet cracking on a merciless rock. She lies still, her breathing jagged.

I rush to her aid, but she refuses help. “I’m done for, Captain. Save her!” she gasps, her face marked with tears and a forced smile. She removes her helmet, bravely facing her fate. My suited hands reach out to Aisha, moving with a frustrating slowness.

Each motion is a battle, my body heavy with exhaustion and a broken spirit. In Aisha’s eyes, I see a mirror of our shared torment, despair deeper than space itself. She collapses, uttering the names of our fallen friends—a haunting roll call of our failures.

As hope fades from her eyes, she suddenly moves—drawn by a mix of rebellion and wonder—back towards the menacing figures.

I call out, “Aisha!” but my voice is lost in the Martian winds. Her final moments are tragically beautiful.

The ghostly being touches her, and she turns to me, her eyes wide with an unsaid goodbye. In that moment, she vanishes, transforming into a cloud of glittering particles, like a star slowly disappearing from the sky. The image burns into my memory—our shared dreams, our chase for the stars, all gone in a fleeting encounter with the unknown.

Image Source — self-generated with AI by the author.

I snap the hatch shut, banishing the spectral forms that hover just beyond. My fingers, heavy as if made of iron, engage the launch mechanism with a reluctant force.

Gazing through the viewport, I witness the ghostly apparitions dissolve into the Martian hills, leaving behind a barren landscape punctuated by grave markers, kindling a smouldering sorrow within me.

As the shuttle withdraws from Mars, an overwhelming silence engulfs me, more stifling than the cold expanse of space. My gaze, unyielding, locks onto the receding crimson orb, swamped by a deluge of unanswerable queries and piercing loss.

The images of my crew, once radiant with vigour and keen curiosity, now drift like phantoms through the shuttle’s empty passageways. Beyond, the stars, aloof observers in the night, flicker weakly, silently observing our fractured dreams adrift in the universe.

Here, in my isolation, I am the sole bearer of a catastrophe, a byproduct of human audacity. Each star, in its distant sorrow, seems to both grieve and indict. My hands instinctively ball into fists, a physical counter to the whirlwind of grief and guilt that entangles my heart.

Each heartbeat reverberates a sombre lament for the crew lost under my command, their absence a silent cry echoing in the space’s vast emptiness.

Drifting through the shuttle’s cabin, a deep emptiness envelops me. Each unoccupied seat stands as a silent homage to my fallen comrades, whose laughter and stories once animated these confines.

Solitude clings to me, as palpable as the Martian dust coating my suit. The faces of my crew—my friends, and most painfully, my beloved Aisha—haunt me relentlessly. Our journey to conquer the stars has led us instead to brush with mortality’s cold hand.

Robinson’s once-dismissed cautions now resound like a clarion call in my head. We delved into the unknown, unshielded from its grim realities. I lift my eyes toward Earth, a distant, lifeless vision obscured by long-suppressed tears.

“I couldn’t save them …” The words emerge, choked and strangled, as if scraping through a throat of dry sand. “Not even her.” Alone, I stand, a solitary figure tormented by the ghosts of Mars, each step echoing with their memory.

Guiding the shuttle towards Earth, the communication console springs to life with a crackle.

“Mission Control to Mars One. Obinna, can you hear us?” The disbelief in the controller’s voice is sharp and urgent.

My fingers tap the transmitter, each word a struggle. “Mars One here. Loud and clear.” Silence hangs heavy, pierced only by the shuttle’s engines and haunting memories of screams.

“Obinna … the footage … everyone on your team …?”

I shut my eyes, blocking out the sharp sting of loss. They saw it all: our frantic dash for survival, overtaken by shimmering, ghostly figures, our comrades dissolving into the Mars dust.

“Yes. Lost. All of them.” Silence grips the line again, the tragedy too immense for words.

The controller’s voice trembles when she speaks next. “Immediate quarantine and debriefing on arrival. We’re so sorry, Obinna.”

Time blurs into a haze. I go through docking steps as if in a trance, guided by unseen hands. Plagued by nightmares, the names of my fallen crew cut deep: Jin, Carlos, Mei, Isaac, Elena, Aisha …

Stepping onto Earth’s ground, its solid embrace barely touches me. The reception committee’s faces mirror the numbness in my heart. In the following days, debriefings drift by.

I recount the tales of ghostly apparitions and fatal encounters, coloured only by chilling footage—faces frozen in terror. In the debriefing room, Mars replays in my mind a relentless memory. The room feels like a cage, with my thoughts bouncing everywhere in its emptiness.

My whisper cuts the silence: “We weren’t prepared.” The truth hangs heavy, a shadow of our once-burning quest for knowledge.

The general leans in, eyes heavy with regret. “Could we have seen this coming? Did we miss something?”

I shake my head, haunted by the memories. “We sought life but met only death. Mars’s secrets remain hidden. We weren’t prepared.” Overwhelmed, I stand, the images surging back. “Excuse me, I need to breathe.”

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Outside, an officer approaches, her eyes brimming with a softness that tries to bridge the gap of loss. “Obinna, their sacrifice might reshape space exploration. Their lives weren’t lost in vain.”

But her words, like driftwood in the ocean, float away from me, weightless. I pivot, my feet carrying me towards a hill quilted with six newborn graves. Crouching beside the freshest one, I trace a name etched in stone, the letters murmuring tales of love and space.

Beneath my fingertips, I envision ashes dancing with cosmic dust. “Aisha, you dreamt of the stars, but some dreams should stay untouched; some adventures never started.”

Raising my gaze, the dusk sky unveils itself, stars gazing back with an indifferent chill. Briefly, I fancy silver spectres gliding among them, guardians of the galaxy. I squeeze my eyes shut, and a tide of weariness washes over me, as unyielding as the red deserts of Mars.

Silence envelops me, an ocean devoid of the vibrant currents of my crew’s chuckles and heated debates. Now, only a vacuum of stillness exists. Their faces, once illuminated by the glow of discovery, are now dim memories, mere shadows of a dream.

Aisha’s smile, my North Star in this interstellar odyssey, recedes into the mists of remembrance. Alone, amidst the silent stories and broken dreams, a sense of solitude envelops me.

Mars, with its cryptic allure, has claimed more than just footprints; it has seized souls. In our journey towards the heavens, we drifted into unforeseen abysses, our aspirations crumbling into the starkness of a cold reality. The haunting words of Michael Robinson echo a spectral taunt.

“We should have heeded the warning. Mars was a siren, not a destination.”

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Somtoochukwu Benedict Ezioha
Pure Fiction

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