Ivan the Strong

Vincent Kühl
Pure Fiction
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2024
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In the dimly lit corridor of the Michelin-star restaurant, Malen’kiy Petrov, Chef Ivan Petrov found himself immersed in the chaos of a fateful evening. Amidst the clanging of pots and pans, the sizzling of fresh ingredients, and the echoing of hurried footsteps, a different turmoil consumed Ivan, one that could cost him his family, his business, and even his life.

Ivan was a man of immense talent, his culinary prowess renowned far and wide. He had earned the respect of his peers and the admiration of his patrons, yet behind his stoic facade, a shadow loomed over his soul. His passion for culinary arts was nothing compared to his obsession with gambling.

As the evening wore on, the team prepared exquisite dishes worthy of magazine covers, but Ivan’s heart was not in the kitchen. His mind was consumed with another realm — the world of basketball and the allure of a big bet. The game he had wagered on was slipping away, and with it, his hopes for a fortune that could pay off his massive debt.

The radio sat beside Ivan’s ear as he called for dishes on the expo line. His hand trembled as he wiped a drop of sauce from the rim of a small, white plate. The shouts from his sous chef and the clanging of plates were distant echoes. The score was close; the Clippers only needed six points to tie, but Ivan needed a win. The culinary masterpieces that he was producing were a mere distraction from the torment of his gambling.

The tension in the kitchen was suffocating, mirroring the predicament in which Ivan found himself. Every sizzle, every burst of steam seemed to mock him, reminding him of his terrible decision to place another bet. With each dish that left the kitchen, his anxiety grew. A knot began in his stomach, and he couldn’t help but think that this was the end for him.

The world stopped when the buzzer rang, and Ivan’s team hadn’t made up the deficit. He felt nauseous, choking on his words as he half-heartedly called them out. The weight of his addiction came crashing down on him. The allure of easy money had led him astray, and now he had to pay for his misfortunes.

Ivan stood at a crossroads, knowing he had a decision to make. Once his passion and refuge, cooking now seemed hollow and meaningless. The kitchen, once his home, was now a prison, trapping him in the consequences of his vices.

With a heavy heart, Ivan made his decision. He would confront his demons head-on and fight his addiction with the help of professionals. The path ahead was uncertain, but Ivan knew he couldn’t go on living this way. He had reached his breaking point, and he could no longer survive on his own.

And so, as the last plate was served at Malen’kiy Petrov, Chef Ivan Petrov took off his apron for the last time, leaving behind the culinary world that had once defined him. With hope and determination, he embarked on his new journey of self-discovery and healing. For Ivan, the kitchen would always be a bittersweet memory of beautiful highs and terrible lows. Still, it would also remind him of his resolve, of his ability to rise from the deep and conquer any obstacle that gets in his way. And as he stepped into the unknown, he carried with him the lessons he had learned, the scars of his past, and an unwavering desire to reclaim his life from the clutches of addiction.



Vincent Kühl
Pure Fiction

Best Selling Author in the category of Nothing. Short stories, thoughts and, poems. Ko-fi.com/vincentkoehl23