Jeff Margolis, Are You Accidentally Dating a Porn Star?

Dating Apps don’t always tell the full story

Alan J. Schwarz
Pure Fiction


Image by vedat zorluer from Pixabay

Jeff Margolis was frustrated. He had dated Lynda Drieman for a month and thought she was the perfect woman. She was educated (a Master's Degree in Quantum Physics) and was now working day and night to become an Architect. She was extremely cute and had a good sense of humour.

Jeff thought he and Lynda had amazing chemistry. The problem was she had started working with a guy named Eddie Loeman. Every day, she wanted to tell Eddie stories, and Jeff wasn’t the slightest bit interested. Two weeks after she ‘’joined Eddie’s team’’ at her office, she told Jeff that there were some important issues that she wanted to discuss with him. Her tone was somber and serious. Over drinks at the Purple Rhino pub (it was normally a really fun place to hang out) Lynda told Jeff ‘’she wanted to explore’’ what it would be like to date Eddie. She suggested that they take a ‘’long’’ break and see other people. Just like that the relationship was over.

Jeff was devastated and he didn’t know if he was ready to jump back in the dating pool. His friend Josh Berger convinced him that the right woman was out there. Josh suggested that Jeff join an ‘’exclusive’’ dating site called ‘’Discreet.’’



Alan J. Schwarz
Pure Fiction

Alan Schwarz loves life. He is the founder of JAMS Productions, a television production company based in Toronto . His passion is writing.