
Revelations — Chapter Thirty-Seven

When separate worlds collide

Izzibella Beau
Pure Fiction


Photo from Pixabay

“Bro’, you’re on Adam’s shit list now.” Jacob greeted Zach at the front door when he finally got home the next morning. He had exactly fifteen minutes to get a short shower and change before heading back over to Emily’s house to pick her up for school.

“Yeah, for what now?” Zach jogged up the stairs, with Jacob following behind.

“You didn’t show up for the planned hunt yesterday. I told them last time I’d seen you were in the library studying for some final exam coming up.” Jacob stopped outside of Zach’s bedroom as his brother rummaged around his room, looking through a pile of clothes on the floor.

Zach was shocked that his brother had covered up for him. It seemed that since he’d gotten with Madison and they had all revealed their secrets, his whole demeanor had changed.

Not to be fooled, though, Jacob was still a cocky, arrogant son-of-a-bitch at times, but for the most part, it seemed that Madison had tamed a portion of the wild beast.

“Thanks for the alibi.” Zach found a pair of cargo shorts and a clean T-shirt, or at least he hoped it was one. He put the shirt up to his nose and took in a deep sniff. Yep, it seemed good enough to him. He glanced at his alarm clock on the nightstand. “Shit.” He hurried past Jacob and headed down the hall to the bathroom. “I’ve got less than ten minutes to get a shower and get dressed.” He slammed the bathroom door shut on the way in.

“You’re sounding more and more like a girl every day.” Jacob walked toward the room his brother had just entered. “I have ten minutes to get ready, oh no,” Jacob yelled through the closed door in his best rendition of a girly-sounding voice.

The response was the sound of the shower being turned on, along with the radio being cranked up loud.

Jacob rushed down the stairs and hurried out to his car. Madison was going to have a bitchfest if he was late another morning. She was still skeptical about the whole Brindle event that happened. He didn’t need another reason for his mate to doubt him.

Emily was waiting outside of her house when Zach finally pulled up five minutes behind schedule. Usually, she’d be ranting right about now, more in a joking manner, about how he couldn’t hold to a scheduled time and how she was going to have to take his car away from him and become the designated driver. But today, she just got into the car without a comment and buckled her seatbelt.

“You feeling all right?” Zach bypassed the side roads that were shortcuts to school and headed toward the main street, which took longer but gave him more time to talk to her.

“Yeah, why?” Emily shot him one of the best fake smiles she could muster.

“Em, I know you’re lying. You know you can tell me anything, we’re in this together.” He reached over the armrest, picked up her hand, and lightly massaged it with his thumb. He felt her loosen up a little as the connection between them began to take some of her stress away.

This was one of the best parts of being bonded, the simplest of touches could help to ease the mind of the mate who was feeling anxious, sad, or even calm when anger was raging from them.

“Just nervous about prom and graduation, and..." She didn’t want to say it, so she just rubbed her lower belly. Once again, she was forced to wear shorts that were not of the fashionable kind. They were older cloth shorts that had a drawstring to pull and tighten.

When she first got them last fall, she had to pull the string halfway out before the shorts would tighten. Now, they were snug without any tightening of the string needed.

Zach moved his hand from hers and placed it on top of her other hand, still on her stomach. “And we’ll work through this too, together.” This time, an actual smile formed on her face and she squeezed his fingers. They kept both their hands on her belly until they pulled into the school parking lot.

That was when they saw major confusion happening over at their parking spot. Zach sped up the Mustang a little and slid in by Jacob’s parked car. He jumped out and got between his brother and Madison.

“What the hell is going on?” Zach looked back and forth at both of them. Both their faces were flushed as anger poured out of them. Madison was holding open a cell phone that looked a lot like Jacob’s.

“Ask him.” Madison’s tone was full of irritation, but everyone could see the disappointment and hurt in her facial expression. Zach turned back toward his brother and gave him the look of the alpha. This was to help establish hierarchy and make Jacob feel forced to tell the truth.

“I don’t know.” Jacob was truly confused about the whole situation that was going on. Everything was fine when he and Madison first met up this morning, but then she got a text message and that was when all hell broke loose.

Madison wanted to see his cell phone, which he willingly gave to her. She opened up the app, which had all his chat lists. Somehow, there was a conversation between him and Brindle, which was dated yesterday, that was quite explicit and referred to a wild erotic time they supposedly had at a time when he should have been with the pack hunting.

“Bullshit, Jacob, it’s all written out right here.” Madison held up the phone so everyone could see that there was some sort of writing on it.

“I don’t know how it got there. It wasn’t from me.”

“Oh, really? She just somehow got your phone and put all these messages on it, then mysteriously put it back without you ever noticing.” Madison was tired of all the games and felt like she was being played by the school’s biggest player.

“I guess that’s how it had to have happened because I haven’t been with her.” Jacob was pissed off at all the accusations. It was like Madison wasn’t even putting two thoughts into anything he said, he was already convicted without having to go to trial in her mind.

“Zach, Danny.” Madison turned to the two other guys who were part of his pack, which he was supposed to be with yesterday evening. “Was Jacob with you when you all went out?” She meant on their hunt but didn’t want to say it out loud in case there were probing ears somewhere out here in the parking lot.

“I didn’t go anywhere.” Zach and Danny both said it at the same time.

“See, no alibi, Jacob.” Madison turned around once again to face her mate. She felt anger and heartache in the emotions that were flowing back to her as she picked up on his feelings. “I’m done.” She grabbed her backpack off the hood of his car and walked off in the direction of the school.

“Madison,” Jacob yelled out in a loud, authoritative tone that only alphas or future alphas of a pack were warranted to use.

This caused her to stop and turn back around to face him with her hands on her hips, still giving him attitude.

“I didn’t do anything.” He picked up his cell phone that she’d left sitting on the hood of his car and smashed it to the pavement. Pieces of the iPhone went scattering everywhere. He got into his car and squealed tires as he sped out of the parking lot.

“He’s telling the truth.” Alex had finally caught up to Madison and told her what she sensed from the fight that had just taken place. It had caused her to feel run down, but she couldn’t stand by and not intervene if she could help.

The reading of emotions and trying to get images without actually touching the person involved took a lot of energy out of her. Usually, she would need a small nap or something afterward but now there was school to attend.

“Are you sure?” Madison knew Alex would be able to pick up on the lies that Jacob would be telling. She knew Alex wouldn’t lie to her just to get Jacob on better terms with her. “If it’s not him, then what the hell is happening?”

Alex shrugged. She didn’t have any clue what was going on anymore.

“I don’t know. I know he’s my mate, but somehow I don’t feel like I can fully trust him right now.” Madison left Alex standing alone on the sidewalk as she continued on her way up to the school.

“Is she going to be okay?” Emily and the guys finally caught up.

Alex nodded that she was. “She’s just confused as to what is going on, but I can tell that she truly loves Jacob.”

“That’s still just too weird to hear. Madison and Jacob, who would have thought?" Danny put his arm around Alex’s shoulders, and she leaned in for support. He knew she was probably wiped out from all the readings that she just did and he needed to get her to class as quickly as possible. “Hop on.” He leaned down so he could piggyback her the rest of the way.

Alex made no complaint and did as he offered. Zach held Emily’s hand the rest of the way. He knew she’d decline a piggyback just based on the fact that she may not be in the right condition for such horseplay.

None of them had seen the three girls who had watched the whole scene unfold. Everything was falling right into place and Brindle couldn’t be happier with what she’d accomplished. Madison and Jacob’s relationship was on a downward spiral and she intended to be right there when he was at his weakest.



Izzibella Beau
Pure Fiction

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond