Fiction/Young Adult

Revelations — Chapter Twenty-Eight

When separate worlds collide

Izzibella Beau
Pure Fiction


Photo from Pixabay

“So, what did he have to say?” Jacob questioned Adam after they’d gotten back from their nightly hunt.

Adam and Danny had found Zach and talked to him for a brief time while Jacob strolled the outlying area of the small cabin Zach had been staying in. As much as he wanted to shift and bitch out at his brother for making them do these hunts while he got vacation time and for making Emily devastated by his disappearance, he couldn’t because the others couldn’t find the marking on his shoulder.

“He’ll be back before school starts again.” Danny glanced over at Jacob, then went back to watching the college basketball game on TV.

“And why did he leave?” Jacob was getting irritated by Danny and Adam’s lack of answers.

“He had to think some things through.” This time, Adam intercepted for the answer.

Jacob was curious as to whether Zach was contemplating telling Emily about the pack and who they were. “About what we are?” he questioned the two once again.

Adam shrugged. He was getting annoyed with his little brother’s questions. “I don’t know. He didn’t say and I didn’t ask. Maybe you should’ve shifted and asked him yourself instead of pissing on everything outside.”

Jacob rolled his eyes at Adam’s comment. He was a future alpha wolf, not a household dog. He didn’t need to mark everything that he came into contact with to claim it as his own. Another wolf should be able to tell just by the mere scent of who he was and what type of ranking he held. “I wasn’t pissing on everything,” he retorted. “I was trying to see if there was any sign of the vamps tracking him.” It sounded like a good cover-up story to him. Neither Adam nor Danny acknowledged what he’d said. It seemed basketball had more of their attention. “I’m going to bed.”

Once again, neither made any comment nor even looked his way. Jacob made his way up the stairs and into his bed. The smell of Madison still lingered on the blankets as he balled them together and put them under his head. The scent of her and the activity of the day brought instant relaxation and sleep as his eyes closed for another night’s rest.

Two days later, two days before school started again after the long winter break, Zach returned home late in the afternoon. Jacob was the only one home and he was just about to call Madison.

“No shit, you’re back.” Jacob welcomed his brother back home. Zach didn’t say anything in response. He just sat down on the sofa and blankly stared ahead. “You know that was a shitty thing you did to your mate. Do you know how hurt Emily was since you up and left for no reason?”

Zach pressed his lips together to keep from yelling at his brother. Jacob had no clue what the hell was going on right now. “And tell me, Jacob, does Madison even know that she belongs to you?”

As much as he wanted to tell his brother everything that had happened, just to get some idea of the shitload of trouble he might be in, Jacob knew he had to keep him and Madison a secret for a little while longer. “She’ll never know. I’d rather be single all my life and have my wolf pissed off at me than to fuck around with her.” He was hoping that would throw Zach off of any inkling that he might have concerning them.

Zach’s face became red with irritation. “Then don’t fuckin’ worry about my mate,” he hissed out at his brother.

How can I even think of her becoming my mate? I’m supposed to want to kill her, not bond with her for life.

Zach was going through some inner turmoil as he contemplated what he should be thinking and how he felt.

“So, something did happen between you two?” Jacob was hoping that maybe Zach and Emily had done the whole bonding thing too. That would take a lot of pressure off of him to know that Zach was in the same situation he was.

“No, nothing happened like that.” Zach rolled his eyes at his brother’s asinine question.

Jacob’s shoulders slumped down. “Oh.” Oh, well, I’m still on my own with this problem.

“I’m going up to my room.” Zach had to get away from his brother. The less he was around him and the rest of the pack, the less guilty he felt for keeping this secret hidden.

Jacob didn’t say anymore as he watched his brother walk out, sulking over nothing like a ten-year-old would do.

When he heard Zach’s bedroom door shut, he called Madison. “Meet me at our place.” It was more of a request than a question.

“Jacob, it’s cold out there.” Madison wanted to see him, but she knew that their spot on the mountain was going to be way colder than the temperature in town. It was a whopping thirty-five degrees outside and some snow flurries were fluttering about.

“I promise to keep you warm. Remember, I have a higher body temp than you, I’ll keep you all snuggled close to me.” He was a smooth talker and knew she was going to give in. Well, he hoped so.

“Ugh, all right. But if I get cold, we’re going somewhere else.”

“With a bed?” He was just questioning and suggesting some extracurricular activities for them.

“Is that all you think about?” Well, she did too, but he didn’t need to know that. If he knew how much she wanted him every time she saw him, they would never get out of bed or wherever else their wild adventure happened to take place.

Jacob snickered at her response. It was such a typical Madison comeback. “Meet me in fifteen. And Madison, call Emily and tell her Zach’s home. He’ll be the only one here if she wants to venture over and say hi.” He felt it was his responsibility to let Zach’s mate know that he was fine and that if she wanted, she could come on over and see him.

“Really?” Madison seemed surprised to hear Zach was back. “I’ll call her now and meet you in twenty.” She hung up before Jacob could complain about her changing the time.

Jacob heard the silence and knew Madison had hung up. He loved how his mate took charge of most things, like now with changing their meeting time. He was loving her more and more every day. Some time or another, he was going to have to say those three big words. The ones that got stuck in the huge lump in his throat every time he got ready to tell her.

‘I love you’ was something he had never told a girl in his life, not even Brindle. He knew Madison deserved that much from him, but saying he loved her was one thing he still had a hard time admitting, even though she was his mate.

Zach heard the sound of a car pulling up the driveway. He guessed that Adam or one of Jacob’s friends, was coming over. He didn’t bother to get up from his bed. He wasn’t in the mood to socialize with anyone right now.

The sound of the doorbell ringing for the third time was enough to annoy him even further.

"Jacob!" he screamed out, knowing full well that his brother had to have heard the chime but was too lazy to get up to answer the freaking door.

On the fifth ring, Zach stomped out of his room, slammed the door, and pounded down the stairs. He swung open the front door without checking to see who it was.

“Hey.” Emily gave a little wave with her hand. She was scared to be here, but at the same time felt elated to finally get to see the one who had occupied her every thought for the past two weeks.

Zach felt something that he’d missed the entire time he’d been gone. His wolf was stirring about.

You can start at the beginning with the following link. If you like, give me a clap or two and maybe a comment. I hope to hear from you soon.

Revelations- When Separate Worlds Collide



Izzibella Beau
Pure Fiction

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond