The Gable’s Family Mystery — Part 1

Jack journeys to Waltham Abbey to investigate rumors of a boy gone missing.

Pure Fiction


The Gable’s Family Mystery — Part 1 is part of an ongoing serialized story titled Murder’s Row. For more information about this story, check out my Murder’s Row Story Blog for more details.

To read Chapter 1 of the story, click here.

Photo by Yury via Adobe Stock.
Photo by Yury via Adobe Stock.

Jack barely has had five minutes to himself to reflect on his journey back to the United Kingdom when he receives a knock at his hotel door.

“Yes? Come in!” says Jack, now re-doing the curtains to how they looked before.

A person opens his door, then notices what Jack is doing — “Oh, sorry — were you in the middle of something?”

“It’s perfectly fine now,” responds Jack. “So what is it that you needed my attention for?” The man still holding the door portends an oddly uncertain expression on his face. He asks Jack to come follow him nevertheless: “I’ll inform you on our way to the lift,” says he.

“Something of great urgency has recently come up. I was waiting for your arrival to address you with the proper level of urgency –” the man tells Jack as they walk down the hallway to reach the elevator.



Pure Fiction

A freelance writer and occasional researcher who’s just trying to hone in my craft. | Spend way too much time on X: @NLennel