The Playoffs and the Payoffs

Winning, Losing and Betting in Real Time

Alan J. Schwarz
Pure Fiction


Image by 🌸♡💙♡🌸 Julita 🌸♡💙♡🌸 from Pixabay

Herschell Kahn (Hershey to his friends) poured over all his financial records. Herschell was scared and was looking for money.

It all started when he received a call and a notice from the IRS. The person he spoke to, Ms. LaCastro, was not fooling around. Herschell had not paid his taxes in three years and he owed (200,000) a substantial amount. If he didn’t get moving in terms of payment, the IRS was going to take him to court and freeze all of his bank accounts. The problem was that Herschell had more debt than assets, and if he lost everything, he would end up in a terrible position.

He called his best friend, Sweazy (Mendel) Klatsch, for advice. Herschell had known Sweazy since they were three years old, and Sweazy always seemed to be able to work out problems.

Sweazy was in the home renovation business and he listened to his friend in complete silence. ‘’Okay, this stinks, it really stinks, the IRS are nasty. I’m working on a house in Sagaponack. I’ll text you the address, come out tomorrow for lunch and we’ll talk and figure everything out.’’

Sagaponak was a beautiful area on Long Island. It would take a couple of hours for Herschell to get there from Fort Lee, New Jersey, where he lived, but he was sure it would be worth…



Alan J. Schwarz
Pure Fiction

Alan Schwarz loves life. He is the founder of JAMS Productions, a television production company based in Toronto . His passion is writing.