The Vanishing Act

Christabel Nem
Pure Fiction
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2023


Photo by Kukuh Himawan Samudro on Unsplash

In the heart of the sprawling city, where neon lights painted the streets and secrets festered in alleyways, lay an enigmatic antique shop known simply as “Curio.” Its dusty windows held relics from eras long past — time-worn typewriters, faded Polaroid cameras, and trinkets that whispered of forgotten stories.

Amelia, a curious soul with an insatiable appetite for mysteries, stumbled upon Curio one rain-soaked evening. Its unassuming exterior beckoned her, and with a hesitant push, the door’s chime announced her arrival. A frail old man, the shop’s proprietor, glanced up from behind the counter, his eyes gleaming with an ancient wisdom.

“Welcome, my dear,” he croaked, voice like an echo from another era. “What draws you to my humble emporium?”

Amelia’s fingers danced over the artifacts, drawn to a tarnished pocket watch. Its hands ticked in rhythm with her racing heart. “There’s something… captivating about these objects,” she admitted.

The old man’s gaze bore into her. “Ah, but they’re not just objects, you see. Each has a tale to tell, a secret to share. The watch you hold belonged to a time traveler who vanished without a trace.”

Amelia’s breath caught. “Time traveler? How is that possible?”

The old man leaned in, voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. “Legends speak of a…



Christabel Nem
Pure Fiction

Living to learn while learning to live. Skincare fanatic. Psychology lover. People lover. Entrepreneur.