Brief thoughts

Katherine Long
Pure katharcys
Published in
1 min readJun 8, 2013

I think the one major takeaway from college was to have not just self-esteem, but self-respect.


  • I am more than my accomplishments.
  • I should focus on being the best me I can be and no one else.
  • The kind of love I receive is the kind of love I think I deserve.

The hardest part was letting go, but after that, everything else was easy, because the damage had already been done and there was no turning back.

For me, the hard part is coming to a decision. I like pondering through all the alternatives. But after the decision has been made, it’s finished.

This has been consistent throughout my life.

This last week has been wonderful.

I see progress and I see possibilities.



Katherine Long
Pure katharcys

Créer, c’est vivre deux fois. Founder at Illustria, previously @Wharton