on love

Katherine Long
Pure katharcys
Published in
1 min readJul 10, 2013

In my outer life, I’m a risk taker and am not too concerned with security, because I believe that everything will work out through the fruits of my labor.

In my inner life, there’s nothing I cherish more than comfort and security, because I believe that in love, there’s only so much work you can do and the rest is up to having 缘分.

I guess that is a very Chinese thing for me to say. And perhaps even more to say that for the long term, you really need to be in a situation of 门当户对 (literally, “the door must match with the opposite party”). Shared background, shared experiences, comfort.

I think back to all of my failed relationships and I think this was lacking—I really liked the novelty of difference and the narrative of infatuation and didn’t care too much about what I viewed as boring, practical details. But now I know that it does matter—and that changes everything going forward.

Even a year ago, I would have treated a variety of scenarios that I’m faced with now differently. But now, I tread much more lightly, err on caution, conservatism. Before, I would have felt that calculation lacked genuity, but now I’m inclined to think that only through calculation and thought can you come to something stable and real.



Katherine Long
Pure katharcys

Créer, c’est vivre deux fois. Founder at Illustria, previously @Wharton