Opinci/Leather Sandals

Pure Romania
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2015

Pure Romania

E mestesug vechi acesta al confectionarii opincilor, e de pe vremea dacilor. E inedit sa porti opinci, incaltamintea aceasta te leaga cumva de pamant, te aduce mai aproape, te face sa simti.
Sanziene la Corbi, 20–21 iunie, Corbi Arges

Manufacturing of the leather sandals (opinci) is an old craft, from Dacian times. You have a special feeling when you wear them. This shoe somehow connects you to earth, makes you more sensible.
Sanziene Cellebration, 20–21 June, Corbi, Arges


Photo: fotografultau.ro
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Pure Romania



Pure Romania

Pure Romania - It’s the timelessness of it which is so remarkable, almost out of some of those stories one used to read as a child. It’s quite remarkable.