I Love My Clitoris

pureeros EDIT
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2017

Such a powerful, mysterious and wonderful part of my body. But it took me so long before falling in love with it.

I wish I’d know more about it when I was a teen. I could have enjoyed things much more. I wish someone would have told me that discovering my body, my pleasure, my sensations and reactions was totally fine and something I should be doing.
I’d love to know that, as a woman, I have such an amazing organ fully dedicated to my pleasure.

Recently we heard about the Orgasm Gap and that 75% of women do not reach the climax during intercourse (heterosexual women have the highest gap).

I think so much about this gap is due to the fact that we still don’t talk about pleasure, masturbation, desire and we don’t know the shape of our own body and we are not given any education about that.

So I want to share with you my Pleasure Collection — aka what I’d have loved to know or to hear when I was a teen.

It would have been amazing to see in my text book that we have something more than a vagina and a vulva. If you don’t even know you have an organ, how could you expect to do something about it?

The clitoris has been kind-of-researched or talked about for a very long time:

So it was 1998 and I could have find the “real” clitoris in my high-school text books but, the truth is, in 2017 we still have very few books mentioning the clit. In France we had the fist text book with its real shape this year! W la France!

Anatomy is maybe the first step at least to finally recognise the clitoris and its fundamental role for female pleasure. But the importance of female sexuality and pleasure is something we should find within our sex education.

What is female sexuality all about? How is it perceived by society and how you can experience it?

Last but not least, let’s talk about masturbation.. or more specifically, female masturbation!

As a woman woking in SexTech, as friend, a maybe future mother or auntie or grandma I’ll do my best to give teen girls and all women what I didn’t have to let them feel good, empowered, satisfied and normal when it comes to sex and pleasure.

The only way we can change things is by doing something.

We should all discover our bodies and love them.


