NewSex Vol.19: Feminist Sex Tips, Porn, Orgasm Gap and Morning Sex!

pureeros EDIT
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2017

Ladies & Gents, here we are with another episode of our roundup NewSex! This time we have mixed feminist sex tips with data, porn and morning sex but, since International Women’s Day has just passed, we also wanted to share with you what happened that day around the world. Ready? Lets go.

We heard a lot last week about “gaps”: gender gap, pay gap and orgasm gap. Yep, orgasm gap. A new study in US discovered straight women have fewer orgasms than lesbian or bisexual women.

If you are a straight woman willing to close the orgasm gap, you may want to watch at Desiree Dellagiacomo and Kaycee Filson’s real sex tips. Because, if in a list of 50 sex tips we find on a mag our vagina is not mentioned once, this implies we are just meant to make others feel good during sex. We are sure this is the beginning of a long list of reasons why the orgasm gap exists.

Talking about women sexual empowerment, overcoming taboos on female pleasure and equalising the way society sees men and women being sexual made us jumping back on IWD2017. Lets have a look at this amazing collection of pics coming from all around the world of the bold women (and men) on March the 8th.

Did you know that 26% of PornHub visitors are women? The fact that women watch porn may, or not, surprise you but the latest Year in Review from PornHub also showed us 80% of women are watching it from mobile.

Are you a working mum and wife willing to reignite your sex life? Accept one week of morning sex challenge. Molly did it and.. she is not a morning person. Here is how it went.

We hope these reads help kick-off your week on a positive note, Lovers!


Pureeros Team

