Squirting is just for porn stars.

pureeros EDIT
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2017

Squirting is most of the time the “omg, no way, shut up!” kind of topic.

Usually people don’t believe women can actually ejaculate, women included. So let’s start by saying this is wrong.

Squirting is not just something fake you see in porn, it happens in real life too. It’s not common though to find women who do squirt (it seems less than 10%) and also it’s of course a taboo topic so, if you put the two things together, we have a pretty good reason for female ejaculation to be kind of a myth.

Squirting happens when a woman, after a specific stimulation, is able to release a trasparent-ish fluid from her Skene’s Gland. Female ejaculation gives women deeper and more intense contractions than a normal orgasm, a full release of energy. It can be few drops or a similar quantity as an average sperm ejaculation or even way more than that.

Ok, where is and what is Skene’s Gland?!

They are very close to the urethra and very small that’s why sometimes people think the liquid comes from the same way wee comes from. Also, when you are about to squirt the sensation you have is the same as if you have to pee, so a bit of confusion if fair enough.

The Skene’s Gland is also called female prostate because the liquid has similar chemical components as the one produced by the male prostate (like PSA) and it can be from 0.9 to 2.3 inches big.

All women have Skene’s Gland so, technically, all women can squirt.

I’d say most women can squirt. There are very few studies on female ejaculation and in some cases, even with the right stimulation, some women couldn’t ejaculate.

It seems also from a chat I had with a sex coach that squirting has become a cause of distress in some women who tired and couldn’t get there.

There is always so much pressure on the performance, the act, the “how to” have sex, the climax that we forget the key aspect: the way the whole experience makes us feel.

Squirting is not for everybody, it’s something you could try if you want to. Like everything else in life. But if you don’t get it, there is nothing to be worried about or ashamed for.

Plus, even though physically most of us can potentially ejaculate, the reality is that we need at least three things to be in the right situation to potentially squirt: relax, stimulation, great communication and intimacy with our partner.

Relax: I always say the brain is the real female sex organ.

“OMG what if I get it wrong and I pee in the middle of sex!! I’d die.”

This is the most common cause of stress women have when they try to squirt since the feeling you have is very similar to peeing. Instead of releasing all the energy and the liquid, we contract because we are worried it’s pee.

First thing to do is get rid of this idea.

It’s not easy, I know. Our partners need to understand how we feel and be opened to the possibility that this happens by reassuring us it’s ok.

Second thing is valid when it comes to sex in general: if we are worried about our cellulite or that someone could hear us or we are distracted by anything else, we are not in the momentum. We have to forget about anything else in the word, concentrate all our attentions on our body, the feelings and the emotions we are experiencing in that moment. Especially for squirting, which is a deep and intense release of energy and orgasm, we need to be focused.

Stimulation: I had the chance to chat with a sex coach and several squirtes, so I’ll dedicate my next article to one of the most used technique to make women squirt! Female ejaculation requires the stimulation of a special area inside the vagina, on the front wall. We can call this area G Spot or the place of the internal part of the Skene’s Gland, no matter the name, that’s the right spot.

Communication: sharing this experience with a partner is amazing and can be also challenging. It’s extremely important we have an open and honest conversation with our partner about squirting, what we’d like to do, to feel and to experience together. We should chat about this before actually doing it but also while we are having sex to connect and to guide one another into this great, powerful, deep orgasm. Be sure you both are comfortable with this and have fun!

So squirting is not just for porn stars but we have to be honest and separate the fictional representation of sex and ejaculation we see in porn and real life sex.

Squirting is not just the cherry on top of our partner’s amazing performance, as porn usually represents it, it’s something we pretty much play a main role into.

Squirting is sharing pleasure.


