Server-less FaaS vs. Containers: Pros, Cons, and Best Fit Scenarios

Kapil parekh
Purple Beard Training
4 min readJul 25, 2023

In recent years, Server-less Computing and Containerisation have emerged as two powerful paradigms for building and deploying applications. Both approaches offer unique advantages and address different use cases. Understanding the pros, cons, and best-fit scenarios for server-less and containers is crucial for making informed decisions in modern application development. In this blog, we will explore the key features of server-less and containers, weigh their strengths and weaknesses, and provide insights into which approach might be the best fit for specific use cases.

1. What is Serverless Computing?

Server-less Computing, often referred to as Function as a Service (FaaS), allows developers to run code in response to events without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure. The code is executed in stateless, ephemeral containers and scales automatically, making it an ideal choice for certain scenarios.

2. What are containers?

Containers offer a lightweight and portable way to package applications and their dependencies, ensuring consistent performance across various environments. Containerisation, driven by technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, has gained widespread popularity due to its flexibility and ease of use.

3. Pros and Cons of Serverless

3.1 Pros of Server-less

Cost-Efficiency: With server-less, you pay only for the actual execution time of functions, which can lead to significant cost savings for applications with varying workloads.

Automatic Scalability: Server-less platforms automatically scale the number of instances in response to incoming requests, ensuring optimal performance during peak times.

No Infrastructure Management: Developers can focus solely on writing code, as the infrastructure management, including server provisioning and maintenance, is handled by the cloud provider.

Rapid Development and Deployment: Server-less architectures promote quicker development cycles and allow for faster deployment of updates and new features.

3.2. Cons of Serverless

Cold Start Latency: Cold start times can be a concern for some applications, as the first request might experience increased latency while the serverless platform initializes the function.

Resource Limitations: Server-less functions have resource limitations, such as execution time and memory, which may restrict the types of applications that can be deployed.

Vendor Lock-In: Adopting server-less often means being tied to a specific cloud provider, making it challenging to migrate to another platform in the future.

4. Pros and Cons of Containers

4.1 Pros of Containers

Isolation and Security: Containers provide strong isolation between applications, reducing the risk of conflicts between different services.

Portability: Containers can run consistently across different platforms, making it easier to deploy applications in diverse environments, including on-premises and multi-cloud setups.

Version Control: With containers, it is easier to maintain and track application versions, ensuring that the same code runs consistently in all stages of the development cycle.

Resource Efficiency: Containers share the host OS kernel, leading to efficient resource utilization and faster startup times compared to virtual machines.

4.2. Cons of Containers:

Orchestration Complexity: Setting up and managing container orchestration platforms, like Kubernetes, can be complex, requiring additional expertise and resources.

Persistent Storage: Handling persistent storage within containers can be challenging, especially when dealing with stateful applications.

5. Best Fit Scenarios for Serverless and Containers

5.1. Best Fit Scenarios for Serverless:

Event-driven applications, such as IoT data processing and real-time stream analytics.

Microservices that can be broken down into small, independent functions.

Prototyping and rapid development of small-scale applications.

5.2. Best Fit Scenarios for Containers:

Applications with complex architectures and interdependencies.

Scalable web applications with varying workloads and traffic demands.

Hybrid and multi-cloud deployments requiring consistent application performance.

In summary, both serverless and containers offer unique advantages and are designed to cater to different scenarios in modern application development. Server-less Computing is ideal for event-driven applications and scenarios with unpredictable workloads, while Containers provide greater flexibility and portability for complex applications with specific resource requirements.

Ultimately, the choice between server-less and containers will depend on your project’s specific needs, development team expertise, and long-term strategic goals. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, you can make informed decisions to create scalable, efficient, and reliable applications that align perfectly with your business objectives.

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