Why Hire Skills Bootcamp Graduates: Discover the Benefits for Your Tech Team.

John Fisher
Purple Beard Training
4 min readJul 6, 2023

It can be hard in today’s tech industry to find quality skilled talent. However, there is an emerging source of diverse new talent being trained via Skills Bootcamps. These are intensive, short term training courses that equip learners with the necessary skills to enter the tech workforce. In this blog, we will examine the benefits of accessing this talent pool and how it can support businesses looking to increase diversity in the tech workplace.

1. Adaptable and Agile

People who graduate from a skills bootcamp are known to be adaptable and agile. Skills Bootcamps focus on practical, hands on training that equips learners with the skills to thrive in their first tech role. Candidates are accustomed to a fast paced learning environment where they are exposed to new concepts and technologies. Throughout the course they hone their problem solving skills through projects and challenges, enabling them to tackle complex tasks head on. This is often alongside existing commitments such as employment or home life. The ability to be adaptable and agile makes them a valuable resource to tech teams in a dynamic environment that requires a growth mindset for lifelong learning.

2. Diversity and Inclusion

Transforming the landscape of technology and challenging its gender imbalance stands as a fundamental objective for numerous creators of bootcamps. This is with the aim of fostering greater female, neurodiverse and BAME participation in the tech field. From out Skills Bootcamps 43% are female, 63% are from a BAME background and 25% are neurodiverse. This means that Skills Bootcamps can help businesses increase diversity of thought within thier tech teams, which brings fresh perspectives to challanges faced. By hiring talent from these diverse cohorts, companies hold the potential to profoundly impact lives.

3. Diverse Skill Set

Graduates from Skills Bootcamps bring a diverse skill set to the workplace, in addition to the skills learnt during the course. Skills Bootcamps cover a range of topics, including programming, manipulation and presenting data, alongside skills in Business Analysis. All skills that are in high demand across the employment market. In addition to these in demand tech skills, graduates come with a diverse set of transferable skills as many are changing careers, moving into tech for the first time, so come with a built in professional background. Candidates come ready with skills which can contribute to projects, help bridge skills gaps and bring a fresh innovative perspective for complex problems.

4. Passion and Motivation

Graduates from Skills Bootcamps are driven by a passion for the skills they are learning, alongside motivation to upskill and enter a new career path quickly. They have made the decision to invest their time and effort into an intensive training program, which clearly demonstrates their motivation to gain new skills and commit to entering the tech industry. Graduates from courses have a strong will to prove themselves and make a significant contribution in new roles. They bring enthusiasm, motivation and passion to the workplace, helping to build a positive and productive mindset. By hiring Skills Bootcamp graduates you are getting employees who are passionate about technology and bring new ideas and perspective to your team.

5. Cost-Effective Solution

Skills Bootcamps graduates bring a cost-effective solution for acquiring new tech talent from a diverse and motivated tech talent pool. Businesses can access this talent at no cost to themselves as training costs are taken on by the training provider. This makes it a very attractive option for businesses that are looking to build their tech teams with fresh talent, that has not gone down the traditional degree route. They come with a passion for lifelong learning and a growth mindset that helps them build on skills learnt on the Skills Bootcamp. By hiring from this talent pool, businesses can save on recruitment costs and find highly skilled professionals who will contribute to the organisations success.

The tech industry is constantly evolving with advancements in technology, and finding skills talent is vital for businesses to stay competitive. By taking on graduates from non-traditional pathways, such as Skills Bootcamps your tech team can benefit in numerous ways by gaining employees who are adaptable, with diverse skills and a passion for tech, that are cost effective. They offer a fresh perspective to teams and with strong transferable skills can help drive teams forward in a rapidly changing world. Skills Bootcamp graduates can help your business thrive and you reap the benefits of their unique talents.

If you are curious to explore how Purple Beard Training can assist you in developing a ZERO cost bootcamp graduate hiring strategy. Contact us or visit our website today to discover how our graduates can elevate your tech team’s performance and drive success. Let’s unlock new opportunities together!

