You need more brown fat than white fat

Aphinya Dechalert
Purple Green Lemons
5 min readJun 9, 2022


Fat has been demonized over the decades.

It’s been paired with obesity, love handles, and all wibbly-wobbly bits that seem to appear after a certain age magically.

Fat is the thing that creeps up on you when you’re not watching.

Or when you’re enjoying just a tad too much pasta.

But over the past few years, there’s been a renewed interest in a thing called brown fat.

Unlike white fat (the thing that makes us jiggle), brown fat — or brown adipose tissue — is the thing that keeps us warm, maintains a nice cozy temperature, and is packed full of mitochondria.

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of a cell’s energy.

It’s the thing that generates the highest amount of chemical energy to power a cell’s biochemical reactions.

More power. More heat. More energy burned.

First-of-its-kind study links brown fat with broad health benefits

Brown fat and its links to immunity

Not all fat is evil. Brown fat is one of the good ones.

Besides, we still need fat for our body function at some level.

