The Beauty of Life Just Living

Discovering Attentive Awareness

Jerry Sherwood
Purple Messenger
1 min readDec 22, 2023


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Life is relationship
Relationship is Life
Life is one
Without a second
In relationship with

Fundamental, Aware
Attending to Well-Being
Being just

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Let Awareness be as it is, open without resistance or attempts to control what appears. This is True Nature.

This is the essence of human experience.

Discover how Awareness, the innate capacity of Consciousness to reflect on (but not separate from) its content, is not actually disrupted when Attention (the innate capacity of Awareness to focus) is engaged.

Attention only appears to be separate from Awareness when there is identification with "my" attention through the categorizing of what arises into what is me or not me, mine or not mine; what is rejected or not worthy of being mine. (attachment, repulsion, or indifference)

You are Aware, and yet you can view any or all that arises in you. You have not changed. Only how you choose to view is changing.


What is the nature of this "me and mine?” What is real? What never changes.



Jerry Sherwood
Purple Messenger

Personal Transformation Coach for Your Great Life: Discovering Genuine Relationship; a Shift in Perspective that Changes Everything.