World Suicide Prevention Day 2016

Sandister Tei
Purple People
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2016

It’s World Suicide Prevention Day.

Psychologist Guy Winch during a TED talk in 2015 said, “Our minds and our feelings, they’re not the trustworthy friends we thought they were. They are more like a really moody friend, who can be totally supportive one minute, and really unpleasant the next.”

Suicidal thoughts or feelings can be like that.

You may be having a truly difficult life. Or, sometimes, your mind tells you are suffering even if you aren’t. That in itself which is your mind trying to kill you, when you have every reason to live, is even worse.

I believe our lives are ours to take if we don’t want to be here. But, the reasons why we contemplate suicide could be things that time will help us solve if only we stick around; they could be people not worthy of us; they could be troubles that are temporary; they could be problems for which solutions exist, only we don’t know of them and they could include mental illness.

And it’s even worse when we open up about it, and we are rather ridiculed or reproached for our suffering. Yes not everyone will understand, even those you expect to understand.

Elizabeth Wurtzel says, “A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it’s impossible to ever see the end.”

It’s true that you have run out of hope, and you see no end in sight. But please know your options — you have the choice to take your life. You can also #TakeItBack.

Sandister Tei, Purple People.

#WorldSuicidePreventionDay #IKeptLiving #WSPD16 #PurplePeople #ThatPurpleLife



Sandister Tei
Purple People

Multimedia journalist at @Citi973 • Video Journalist • @Wikipedia • Formerly: @ajplus / Al Jazeera • @CardiffJomec