Candidates on the issues: Greek Debt Crisis

Jolie Spiegelman
Get Purple
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2015


While not all the candidates have commented on the current Greek Debt crisis, those that have made statements have a lot to say.

Hillary Clinton

Should Greece Stay In The Eurozone?

Yes, and Europeans should exert every possible effort to forge a new deal with the Greeks to help Greece recover economically and keep them in the eurozone. In 2011 Hillary visited Greece and applauded the austerity measures that had been in place suggesting they would revive the country’s economy. Oops, that didn’t happen.

“I urge the Europeans to exert every effort to find one. Greece is a NATO ally, it is a member of the European Union. The United States has a great, active, successful Greek-American community. So I want to see a resolution”

Bernie Sanders

Should Greece Stay In The Eurozone?

It’s up to the Greek people. But, Sanders doesn’t think the International Monetary Fund and European leaders have offered an acceptable deal for the Greeks, so he doesn’t blame them for not wanting to stay. Sanders is also supportive of the Greeks voting against austerity measures saying that it was the right decision which benefited the poor, sick, elderly and children.

“In a world of massive wealth and income inequality Europe must support Greece’s efforts to build an economy which creates more jobs and income, not more unemployment and suffering.”

John Kasich

Should Greece Stay In The Eurozone?

Yes, Kasich says he’s hopeful the international community will be able to reach a deal with Greece before it reaches the point of Greece having to leave. While he wants the European community to help out Greece, he does not want Greece to take money from Russia (which is a possibility).

A decision by Greece to accept a bailout loan from Russia would be “a very, very, ugly scenario.”

Donald Trump

Should Greece Stay In The Eurozone?

Yes- and we shouldn’t even worry because Germany will come to the rescue. In fact, Trump has reassured everyone that Greece will stay in the eurozone, saying not to worry because “Greece is going to be in better shape than people think.”

“Don’t forget that the whole euro situation was created to compete against the United States. They put together a group of countries to beat the United States. Now Germany’s very powerful, very strong. I’d let Germany handle it…I wouldn’t get too involved”

Bobby Jindal

Jindal hasn’t commented on any specifics of the Greece debt or potential bailout deal. But, he has warned that the US may be headed for the same economic meltdown if the next President is a democrat.

In His Words

Jeb Bush

Should Greece Stay In The Eurozone?

Not sure- but if they decide to leave the eurozone, it won’t be the end of the world because they are such a small part of the larger eurozone.

“It’s a tiny part of the EU, slightly over 1 percent (of economic output). I think there obviously has to be some concern about the systemic risks of this, but given the fact that Greece is such a small part (of the European Union), I think it’s manageable.”

