Everything you need to know about the New Hampshire primary told through text message

Rebecca Harris
Get Purple
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2016


Analysis from the Purple nerds on the New Hampshire results and what they mean. Sign up here to get your own politics nerd in your pocket :)

The Dems:

The Repubs:

This chart from FiveThirtyEight of when voters made their final decision is really interesting, and shows what a late influx Kasich received after the last Republican debate:

Rubio apologized to his supporters after the primary, saying that their disappointment is on him for his poor debate performance, but he will never let that happen again.

Apparently Rubio didn’t even realize how poorly he did in the debate until he checked Twitter after.

Sanders has a much tougher road ahead of him in Nevada and South Carolina:

Source: FiveThirtyEight
Source: FiveThirtyEight

