Theocracy Watch

Harmonizing Faith and Science — Not Possible

These guys just don’t quit, do they?

James T. Saunders
Purple Reign


Continuing the Counter-Enlightenment strategy of his predecessors, the aging unitary monarch of the Vatican State refreshed the slithery sophism that somehow faith and science are “cooperators of the truth” (the motto of his disgraced predecessor, see below).

Note the Moor

No. Faith is taste. There is no “the faith”, there are only many, many faiths, the vast majority contradictory and antagonistic. They can’t all be true. In fact, none are, or they wouldn’t need faith, which is “evidence of things not seen”, which is to say, no evidence at all.

Determining truth values is the domain of epistemology, which Rome execrates as the foundation of philosophy, pushing metaphysics instead. The usual soft shoe shufflin’ to keep the sheep confused, bowing, tithing and voting as instructed to roll the calendar back.

Science, more precisely the scientific method, is the machinery of epistemology. If that last sentence is unclear, go refresh your Francis Bacon.

Rome will never stop. We nonsupernaturalist anti-theocrats need to keep up the pressure.



James T. Saunders
Purple Reign

Commentator, US citizen, No Party Preference, secular moderate liberal democratic republican