Theocracy Watch

Justice Alito ‘agrees’ in secret recording that US should return to ‘place of godliness’

Duh … anyone who believes in the First Amendment, blue, red or purple, it’s not yet too late

James T. Saunders
Purple Reign


Mike Bedigan reports in the Independent what anyone with a brain knows Alito and the rest of the Rome-trained red SCOTUS Justices think.

Now watch the wiggling.

Where the Justice and the filmmaker quoted in the article have it right is that there are first principles that can’t be compromised. The most important is whether our Constitution and Rule of Law permit supernaturalisms. Is it ever legitimate to base an argument or policy on a hypothetical like godliness … or heaven?

Faith is a form of taste/axiology … endoxa that may be widely shared, but are irrelevant when it comes to Law. That a jurist on the highest court in the land, which arrogated to itself the final word on “what the law is”, so flagrantly flouts his theocratic tendencies ought to be alarming to anyone who cherishes the Liberty that comes from separation of church and state.

Go back and read your Madison & Jefferson if you’re unclear on the history and have gotten gulled into thinking the 1958 national motto “In God We Trust” was the original one from the 1700s.

We need to stop being so polite about these supernaturalist fundamentalists. Don’t call it religion if it’s about law. Use the right word: theocracy.



James T. Saunders
Purple Reign

Commentator, US citizen, No Party Preference, secular moderate liberal democratic republican