Divide and Be Conquered

Sex (Part 2)

Leave it to the BBC for thoughtful coverage of a complex topic

James T. Saunders
Purple Reign


Quick Hit only. Not much to add beyond what I already wrote in Part 1. Credit to the Beeb for going a little deeper into the science, in a moderate, dispassionate tone. So thought I’d share.

If you’re getting tired of the poor S:N ratio around the trans/gender/pronoun topic, bookmark that article above after reading. Comes pretty close to being a final word, IMHO.

We need more of this and less hysterical ranting from political activists and the Grammar Stasi. It’s a complicated issue that involves clashes not of absolutes of episteme, but of deeply held endoxa/axiologies … which too often pass as the former.

The way forward on this issue and the other related polarizing ones is to start with the objective, neutral things that can be stipulated. Namely the science. Then add the ethics (since that’s subjective). Then add the politics (which is even more so).

We tend to do these things in the wrong order. Shout about the Law before working through the underlying stack.

Caster Semenya, 5-ARD pioneer



James T. Saunders
Purple Reign

Commentator, US citizen, No Party Preference, secular moderate liberal democratic republican