PIC shellcode: The Rust Way

Emanuele (Ebalo) Balsamo
Purple Team


A Hands-On Analysis of the Rustic64 Project

In cybersecurity and malware development the use of Position Independent Code (PIC) has gained significant attention, particularly in contexts such as shellcode development. This article delves into the intricacies of the Rustic64 project, a project developed by Safe to showcase how to create PIC shellcodes for Windows, built with Rust. We will conduct a hands-on analysis and walkthrough of its codebase, offering insights into its architecture, implementation, and peculiarities.

I’d like to thank Safe for the possibility to write this thought walkthrough of his work. All rights about the code development belongs to him. Show your support to his work by giving a star on GitHub and connecting on LinkedIn.

Overview of Rustic64

Rustic64 is a 64-bit, position-independent shellcode template inspired by the design principles of Stardust. This template diverges from traditional methods by adopting a fully position-independent architecture specifically tailored for the Windows environment. By doing so, it offers a modern and flexible solution for the development of position-independent implants.

Developers frequently face challenges in this domain, such as the management of global variables or raw strings within the shell code. Rustic64 addresses this concern by introducing a global instance to maintain the state across various parts of the shellcode. This design enables seamless access to APIs, modules, configuration data, and more.

Moreover, Rustic64 employs a custom allocator leveraging the native NT Heap API. This allocator is initialized with RtlCreateHeap and managed through functions such as RtlAllocateHeap and RtlFreeHeap, permitting the use of heap-allocated types like Vec and String in a position-independent context.

This project serves as a personal learning journey in modern implant development, emphasizing collaboration and growth within the community.

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Getting Started with Rustic64

Cloning the Repository

To begin, clone the Rustic64 repository from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/safedv/Rustic64

Setting Up the Development Environment

Rustic64 is a Rust project, and you will need to install Rust. For detailed installation instructions, refer to the official Rust documentation at rust-lang.org.


  1. Rust Toolchain: Install the Rust toolchain for cross-compiling for Windows in 64-bit mode.
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

2. MinGW-w64: Install MinGW-w64, a dependency of the rust target above.

sudo apt install mingw-w64

3. Cargo-make: Install cargo-make to run the build script.

cargo install cargo-make

Building the Project

Building the Rustic64 project is straightforward. Run the build script using the following command:

cargo make build

In case the build script fails with an error like the one shown in the picture below, that is due to a typo in the Cargo.tomlfile, you can fix it by modifying the Cargo.toml file. Change the name under [package] to rustic64 instead of Rustic64.

Common build error
name = "rustic64"

# Other fields and data...

Analyzing Key Files

To fully understand the Rustic64 project, we need to examine three primary files located at the project root:

  1. Cargo.toml
  2. Linker.ld
  3. Makefile.toml

1. Cargo.toml

The Cargo.toml (raw content) file is the manifest for the Rust project, outlining its dependencies and configuration. Notably, the file contains several key elements that differentiate Rustic64 from standard Rust projects:

Dependency on panic-halt

  • panic-halt = "0.2": This crate is utilized in low-level Rust projects where the standard library's panic behavior (such as unwinding or printing messages) is not desired. Instead, when a panic occurs, the execution halts entirely.

Profile-Specific Panic Settings

  • [profile.dev] and [profile.release] both specify panic = "abort". This optimization technique leads to immediate termination of the program upon panic, without unwinding the stack. It simplifies execution and reduces binary size but prevents any form of panic recovery.

Release Profile Optimizations

  • opt-level = "s": This optimization level focuses on minimizing the final binary size while maintaining a balance between size and speed. It is particularly useful in size-constrained applications.
  • lto = true: Link-time optimization enables optimizations across the entire crate and its dependencies, which can lead to significant improvements in performance and binary size.
  • codegen-units = 1: This setting reduces parallel code generation units to one, enabling more aggressive optimizations but at the cost of longer compilation times.

2. Linker.ld

The Linker.ld (raw content) file is a linker script that controls the memory layout of the final binary produced by the Rust project. Its structure is crucial for low-level programming, where precise control over memory layout is necessary.

Defining the Entry Point

  • ENTRY(_start): This specifies the entry point of the program, pointing to the _start symbol. In bare-metal environments, where no operating system handles initialization, this entry point must be manually defined, while this use case is not the one of Rustic, removing the default entry point is required to reduce the overall size of the executable and get the complete control of its in-memory layout.

Memory Layout and Section Assignments

  • The starting address of the binary is explicitly set to 0x0000. This is a direct indication that the code will be loaded at the very start of the address space.
  • .text ALIGN(16) {…}: Instruct the linker to align the .text section, which contains executable code, to a 16-byte boundary. This alignment ensures that the code starts at an address that is a multiple of 16 bytes. This is required to ensure proper alignment of the memory addresses when loaded into other executables and so alike.
    Within the .text section:
    - *(.text.prologue): This line places any .text.prologue sections from object files here. This likely allows initial code or setup routines to be placed before the main program execution.
    - *(.text*): This includes all code sections .text* which is where the program instructions reside.
    - *(.rodata*), *(rdata*): These lines include sections for read-only data such as constant strings or other immutable data.
    - *(.global*): Any global data marked for inclusion in the .text section will be placed here.
  • /DISCARD/: This section instructs the linker to discard certain sections that are not needed in the final binary, these are:
    - *(interp): This typically contains interpreter information for dynamic linking, which is irrelevant to our PIC scenario.
    - *(.comment), *(.debug_frame): These sections are used for debugging purposes and are not needed in the final binary. leaving them will also mean a larger binary size, possibly an un-executable implant, and easier to reverse executable.
    - *(.bss): This section is for uninitialized global and static variables. By discarding it, you ensure that the binary doesn't include space for uninitialized data.
    - *(.pdata), *(.xdata): These sections contain exception-handling data for certain architectures (e.g., Windows PE format). Since we’re not using them we simply drop them entirely.

3. Makefile.toml

The Makefile.toml (raw content) file configures tasks for managing the build, cleaning, and binary handling processes in Rustic64. For a full guide on how to use the cargo-make command refer to the official docs.

Custom Build Process

  • [config]: The setting skip_core_tasks = true allows for fully customized task definitions, which avoids naming conflicts and default behavior entirely.

Environment Variables

  • TARGET = "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu": Specifies the target platform for the project, indicating cross-compilation for Windows.


The RUSTFLAGS variable is heavily customized to enforce specific optimizations and features in the binary output. Noteworthy flags include:

  • -C link-arg=-nostdlib: Disables linking the Rust standard library. This is a typical flag in bare-metal or highly constrained environments, here we simply want full control over the runtime.
  • -C codegen-units=1: As seen in your Cargo.toml, this ensures single-unit code generation, allowing for more aggressive optimizations at the cost of slower compilation.
  • -C link-arg=-fno-ident: This suppresses identifying information from being included in the binary. This is useful for reducing size and avoiding unnecessary metadata that may be useful when fingerprinting your PIC binary.
  • -C link-arg=-fpack-struct=8: This forces struct alignment to 8 bytes (aka C style structure alignment).
  • -C link-arg=-Wl,--gc-sections: This instructs the linker to discard unused sections, helping reduce the final binary size by eliminating dead code or unused data.
  • -C relocation-model=pic: Enforce the compiler to use a PIC-compliant relocation model, needed as we’re trying to create a PIC binary.
  • -C link-arg=-Wl,-T./Linker.ld,--build-id=none: This links the custom linker script (Linker.ld) giving full control over memory layout and section placement.
  • -C link-arg=-nostartfiles: Disables the inclusion of standard startup files (e.g., those provided by the OS or runtime). This is required as we’ll define our entry point (_start) and avoid completely the existence of a main .
  • -C link-arg=-Wl,-e_start: This specifies the entry point for the binary, reinforcing that _start this is where execution begins.

Custom Tasks

The custom tasks defined provide a controlled build process that includes additional steps beyond what is typical in Rust projects.

  • [tasks.build]: This task consolidates several steps into a streamlined build process
  • [tasks.clean]: Calls cargo clean to remove old build artifacts and ensure a fresh build environment.
  • [tasks.cargo-build]: Builds the project using Cargo with the specified RUSTFLAGS to enforce the custom build configurations.
  • [tasks.strip]: Removes unnecessary sections from the binary further reducing the binary size.
  • [tasks.objcopy]: Converts the executable binary into a .bin file using objcopy. This is where our embeddable shellcode will be copied, it will be fully PIC compliant and ready to be injected.

Diving into the code

As you may have gotten from the previous files, the application is designed for a no_std and no_main environment, this means that the main.rs file will be quite different from a standard Rust entry point.


The main file (raw content) contains a few functions, we’ll focus on the most interesting which are:

  • _start
  • initialize
  • get_instance

Method _start

The _start function serves as the entry point for the application. It is defined in assembly using the global_asm! macro and is marked as globally visible with .globl _start. The function's assembly code performs the following actions:

Stack Setup:

  • It first pushes the rsi register onto the stack, which preserves its value.
  • Then, it sets up the stack pointer (rsp) to be 16-byte aligned by performing a bitwise AND operation with 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0.
  • It subtracts 32 bytes from rsp, effectively allocating space on the stack for local variables.

Function Call:

  • The function then calls the initialize function to set up the necessary environment and resources for the application.

Stack Restoration:

  • After the initialize function returns, it restores the original rsp and pops the rsi register back to its previous state, restoring the original stack

This function essentially prepares the runtime environment for the application and transitions control to the initialize function.

Method initialize

The initialize function is a no_mangle function that is called from the _start method.

What is a no_mangle function?

A no_mangle function is a function that is marked with the #[no_mangle] attribute, which tells the Rust compiler not to apply its default name mangling to the function’s symbol name during the compilation process. Refer to the official documentation for more information.

It is responsible for setting up the application environment, including the allocation of resources. The key actions in this function are as follows:

Instance Creation:

  • It creates a new instance of the Instance struct by calling Instance::new().

Process Environment Block (PEB) Manipulation:

  • The function retrieves the address of the PEB using the find_peb() function. The PEB contains information about the process, including its heaps.
  • It retrieves the pointer to the process heaps and the current number of heaps.
  • The number of heaps in the PEB is incremented by one to make space for the new instance.

Appending Instance Pointer:

  • The address of the newly created instance is appended to the process heaps array at the new index (i.e., number_of_heaps).

Transition to Main Logic:

  • Finally, the function calls niam(), which contains the main logic for the application.

Method get_instance

The get_instance function is designed to locate and retrieve a reference to the global Instance struct from the process heaps. The method operates as follows:

Locate PEB:

  • It calls find_peb() to access the Process Environment Block (PEB).

Iterate Through Heaps:

  • It retrieves the pointer to the process heaps and the number of heaps available.
  • It then iterates through each heap in the process heaps.

Check for Instance:

  • For each heap, it checks if the pointer is not null. If valid, it attempts to cast the pointer to an Instance reference.
  • It checks whether the magic field of the Instance matches a predefined constant (INSTANCE_MAGIC). This serves as a validity check to ensure that the found object is indeed an Instance.

Return Result:

  • If a valid instance is found, it returns a mutable reference to it; otherwise, it returns None.

This function is essential for retrieving the singleton Instance created during initialization. The use of the magic value provides a level of assurance that the pointer being dereferenced is indeed pointing to a valid Instance.

Most meaningful features and flows

As explaining the whole project is not the end goal of this post we’ll evaluate only the most meaningful fragments starting from the main file.

We’ll see what the Instance structure is, how it is initialized via the init_native_funcs and how a sample function is loaded via ldr_module/ldr_function, the remaining of the code is (almost) easy to understand and dive into as most of the logic is based on the usage on Instance and the loaded functions to achieve higher-order functionalities such as the Rust allocator (check it out as it’s a pretty interesting allocator fully developed with native Windows API heap calls).

The instance struct — Shared data for your shellcode

The Instance struct (raw content) is a critical structure that holds key information and function pointers necessary for interacting with low-level Windows API functions. It serves as a global structure, making it possible for the program to access specific system functionality like heap management and process termination.

Fields of Instance:

  1. magic: u32: This is a unique identifier to validate the instance. The constant INSTANCE_MAGIC is set to the sample value of 0x17171717 and is used to ensure that the structure is a valid Instance when accessed from memory.
  2. heap_handle: *mut c_void: This field stores a handle to a heap created by the program, this is used to allocate and free memory dynamically within the program (using the custom Rust allocator), and it is initialized and managed during the runtime.
  3. ntdll: Ntdll: The ntdll field holds an instance of the Ntdll struct, which stores the function pointers for several key functions from the ntdll.dll Windows system library.
  4. kernel32_base: *mut u8: Stores the base address of the kernel32.dll library in memory.
  5. write_file: WriteFile: This function pointer points to the WriteFile function from kernel32.dll. WriteFile in this scenario, this method is used only as an example for a method execution.

Allocation of Instance

The Instance::new() method is responsible for allocating a new Instance object:

impl Instance {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Instance {
magic: INSTANCE_MAGIC, // Assigns the unique identifier
heap_handle: null_mut(), // Heap handle starts as null
ntdll: Ntdll::new(), // Allocates a new Ntdll struct with default null pointers
kernel32_base: null_mut(), // Kernel32 base starts as null
write_file: unsafe { core::mem::transmute(null_mut::<c_void>()) }, // Initialize the write_file pointer to null

In this function:

  • The magic field is initialized with the constant INSTANCE_MAGIC to ensure future identification.
  • The heap_handle, kernel32_base, and write_file fields are initialized as null_mut() since their actual values will be set later.
  • The ntdll field is initialized using Ntdll::new(), which creates a new Ntdll structure with null pointers for all its function fields.

Ntdll Struct: Purpose and Initialization

The Ntdll struct is designed to hold function pointers to key low-level Windows API functions that deal with memory management (heaps) and process control. These functions are dynamically loaded from ntdll.dll.

pub struct Ntdll {
pub module_base: *mut u8, // Base address of the loaded ntdll.dll module
pub rtl_create_heap: RtlCreateHeap,
// ... other fields

The Ntdll::new() function initializes the struct with null pointers:

impl Ntdll {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Ntdll {
module_base: null_mut(),
rtl_create_heap: unsafe { core::mem::transmute(null_mut::<c_void>()) },
// ... other fields

This method ensures that all the function pointers initially point to null, with the actual function addresses being set in init_native_funcs.

Method init_native_funcs — Loading Functions

The init_native_funcs() method is responsible for dynamically loading the function pointers in the Ntdll and Instance structs using the ldr_function and ldr_module functions.

Here’s how the process works for a sample function, RtlCreateHeap:

  1. Load ntdll.dll:
instance.ntdll.module_base = ldr_module(NTDLL_DBJ2);

ldr_module is used to load the base address of ntdll.dll using a hashed value (NTDLL_DBJ2). This base address is stored in instance.ntdll.module_base.

2. Load RtlCreateHeap Function:

let rtl_create_heap_addr = ldr_function(instance.ntdll.module_base, RTL_CREATE_HEAP_H); 
instance.ntdll.rtl_create_heap = core::mem::transmute(rtl_create_heap_addr);

The ldr_function function is called to retrieve the address of the RtlCreateHeap function from ntdll.dll. The address is located using the hash value RTL_CREATE_HEAP_H. The retrieved address is then cast to the appropriate function signature (RtlCreateHeap) using core::mem::transmute.

This process is repeated for other functions, including RtlAllocateHeap, RtlFreeHeap, RtlDestroyHeap, NtTerminateProcess, and more. All these functions are loaded dynamically using ldr_function based on their respective hashes.

ldr_module & ldr_function

The ldr_module and ldr_function functions are critical components for dynamically loading modules (DLLs) and their corresponding functions. Both are designed to work within a Windows environment, interfacing with low-level memory structures mostly taken from the Process Environment Block (PEB) to locate modules and functions.

ldr_module: Locating a Module by Hash

The ldr_module function is responsible for finding the base address of a module (DLL) in memory using a hash of its name.

Key Components:

  • PEB (Process Environment Block): The PEB is a structure used by Windows processes to store information about loaded modules, among other things. The function find_peb() retrieves a pointer to the PEB of the current process.
  • Loader Data: The PEB contains a loader_data field, which holds information about the loaded modules. Specifically, in_load_order_module_list is a doubly linked list of loaded modules in the order they were loaded.
  • Hash Comparison: The names of the loaded modules (DLLs) are compared using a hash (computed with dbj2_hash). If the computed hash matches the provided module_hash, the base address of the DLL is returned.

Key Points:

  • PEB Traversal: The function navigates through the list of loaded modules, checking each module’s name to see if its hash matches the given module_hash.
  • Hashing Mechanism: The function names are hashed using dbj2_hash for faster comparison rather than directly comparing strings. This is a common technique to enhance performance in module/function lookups.
  • Return Value: If a matching module is found, its base address is returned. Otherwise, null_mut() is returned to indicate failure.

ldr_function: Finding a Function by Hash

The ldr_function is responsible for locating a function within a module's export table by using a hash of the function’s name.

Key Components:

  • NT Headers: The NT Headers are part of the Portable Executable (PE) format used by Windows executables and DLLs. These headers contain important information about the file layout, including where the export table is located.
  • Export Directory: The export directory contains pointers to exported functions (i.e., functions that other programs or modules can call). This includes arrays for function names, addresses, and ordinals (indices).
  • Hash Comparison: Similar to ldr_module, ldr_function compares the hash of the function name with a provided function_hash. If the hashes match, the function’s address is retrieved and returned.

Key Points:

  • NT Headers: The get_nt_headers function retrieves the NT headers from the given module base address. The NT headers contain information about where to find the export directory.
  • Export Directory: The function then navigates to the export directory, where the function names, ordinals, and addresses are stored.
  • Hashing Mechanism: For each function in the export table, its name is hashed using dbj2_hash. If the hash matches the function_hash, the function’s address is retrieved by using its ordinal.
  • Return Value: The function returns the address of the function if found; otherwise, it returns null_mut().

Test your shellcode

Finally, the last thing to do is check if the shellcode works, the following is a simple rust implementation of the common C self-injecting shellcode, nothing fancy here, just an example loader.

use std::mem;

const SHELLCODE_BYTES: &[u8] = include_bytes!("./rustic64.bin");

#[link_section = ".text"]
static SHELLCODE: [u8; SHELLCODE_LENGTH] = *include_bytes!("./rustic64.bin");

fn main() {
let exec_shellcode: extern "C" fn() -> ! =
unsafe { mem::transmute(&SHELLCODE as *const _ as *const ()) };

Emplace this small loader in a new rust project, copy the rustic64.bin file generated compiling the project, and then compile and run the loader. You will see the rustic code getting executed in the context of the loader.


Rustic64 project offers a sophisticated yet accessible approach to crafting Position Independent Code (PIC) shellcodes using Rust, emphasizing security and flexibility. For cybersecurity professionals and developers alike, this project serves as a rich learning tool, highlighting the power of Rust in advanced shellcode creation. Be sure to check out the code on GitHub and support Safe’s innovative work.



Emanuele (Ebalo) Balsamo
Purple Team

Cybersecurity Specialist | Offensive Security Expert Focused on red teaming, offensive security, and proactive defense measures