How To Send Transactional Emails Using Lambda and Amazon SES?

kaan sağlam
PurpleBox Security
Published in
8 min readMay 12, 2022

This blog post was published on PurpleBox website on May 11th, 2022.

This blog post is about how to set up a full-stack serverless ReactJS application using AWS Amplify & AWS SES to send notification emails. We will also use the Amazon Lambda service for serverless build and Amazon DynamoDB for keeping user transactions.

What is Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)?

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cost-effective, flexible, and scalable email service that enables developers to send mail from within any application. Using Amazon SES to send Transactional Emails with Lambda, you can send and receive emails using your email addresses and/or domains and you only pay for what you use. This service is majorly used for sending both — transactional and mass emails. SES can be easily integrated with Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon SNS, and many more. For example, you want to receive an acknowledgment email upon the completion of your lambda function performing some execution or you want to trigger the execution of a lambda function by sending an email. You can configure Amazon SES quickly to support several email use cases, including transactional, marketing, or mass email communications. Amazon SES’s flexible IP deployment and email authentication options help drive higher deliverability and protect sender reputation while sending analytics to measure the impact of each email. With Amazon SES, you can send email securely, globally, and at scale.

Some of the use-cases where SES is used are:

  1. Transactional email for user-triggered actions like account-related activity
  2. Email notifications to existing users such as alerts
  3. Marketing email to targeted lists like newsletters

In this hands-on, we will see how to configure Amazon Simple Email Service — SES, verify an email address with SES, create a lambda function, and finally integrate Amazon SES with AWS Lambda to send notification emails on the completion of the function execution.

To learn more about what AWS Lambda is, please check our “The Complete Guide to Implement Social Login With AWS Amplify” blog post.

Benefits of SES

Amazon SES has lots of benefits including high deliverability, configurability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.
For most people, cost efficiency is the top topic. The cost of sending emails using SES depends on two things — the number of emails sent and the total size of emails. For example, if you send 100k emails with a total email size of 256 GB and an additional 100 GB of data as an attachment, the cost would be :

Cost of number of emails sent = (100000–62,000 free emails) × $0.0001 per email = $3.80

Cost for data = (256 GB + 100 GB) × $0.12 per GB of data = $42.72

Note: The data includes headers, message content (including text and images), and attachments.

Total cost for the above example = $46.52

Sample code to send mails using SES in Lambda

In the example below, Reactjs NextJs Framework, AWS Lambda function, AWS Amplify, AWS DaynamoDB, and Async API sendEmail of AWS SES are used to asynchronously send emails from a defined from and to addresses.

Getting Started

Once the setup is complete, clone the main branch from the Github.

After cloning the project, install the dependencies and run the project. You may find some helpful commands below:

git clone
cd SES-notification-workshop
npm install
npm run dev

Once the project has started, you should be presented with the following screen by visiting localhost:3000.

Initializing Backend

Before creating the backend, make sure we`re in the root directory of the project.

From here, we’ll initialize Amplify by running the following command:

amplify init

After following the amplify init steps, the entire flow should look like the below screenshot:

Adding an API

Our application is ready to use the Amplify CLI, and we’ll create our backend. We are using AWS AppSync, which is a managed GraphQL API.

Traditionally, when sending emails, a REST API is used. However, AppSync provides more flexibility when it comes to handling authorization and a few other features.

To add an API in Amplify, type the following command in the project’s terminal:

amplify add api

Follow amplify API creation steps. The entire flow should look like the below screenshot:

By selecting those options through the prompts, we indicated Amplify how we would like our API to be built.

At this step, Amplify has opened up a file called schema.graphql. Replace everything in that file with the following:

type Candidate 
@auth(rules: [{ allow: public, operations: [create] }]) {
id: ID!
name: String!
email: AWSEmail!

The @model text is called a directive. When Amplify sees this, it will automatically create a DynamoDB table and create CRUDL operations for the type it’s associated with (in this case, Candidate).

The @auth directive setups up authorization rules on our API. Here we specify that “we want our API to be public to anyone with an API key, but we only authorize them to create entries in our database, yet prevent them from reading, updating, and deleting items.”

With this setup, our API and database are ready to be deployed. Now, let’s move on to our function.

Setting Up Lambda Function Trigger

AWS Lambda is an event-driven serverless function. We want this function to be called whenever an item is added to our dynamoDB database.

Fortunately, Amplify takes care of this process by allowing us to set this up from the CLI.

To add a function with the trigger in Amplify, type the following command in the project’s terminal:

amplify add function

Follow amplify lambda function creation steps. The entire flow should look like the below screenshot:

Let’s replace the content in our lambda function ( \SES-notification-workshop\amplify\backend\function…\src\index.js ), with the following:

const aws = require('aws-sdk')
const ses = new aws.SES()
exports.handler = async (event) => {
for (const streamedItem of event.Records) {
if (streamedItem.eventName === 'INSERT') {
//pull off items from stream
const candidateName =
const candidateEmail =
await ses
Destination: {
ToAddresses: [process.env.SES_EMAIL],
Source: process.env.SES_EMAIL,
Message: {
Subject: { Data: 'Candidate Submission' },
Body: {
Text: { Data: `My name is ${candidateName}. You can reach me at ${candidateEmail}` },
return { status: 'done' }

The function will be automatically called when a user fills the modal. The function grabs the items from the modal and sends an email. Here, we call the sendEmail function from the AWS SES module. To send an email with AWS SES, our function needs to have permission to interact with SES. The next step is required to use Amazon SES Transactional Email with Lambda.

Setting Up SES

As described earlier, AWS SES provides to send an email. When first setting up SES, AWS will place you in sandbox mode which allows you to:

  • Send to/receive emails only from verified email addresses
  • Send 1 email per second
  • Send only 200 emails per day

For more complex settings, you should go to the AWS SES console. Search for “SES” in the top search bar of the console and open the AWS SES console. This will allow provide you with a similar view to the one below:

After that, follow the following steps:

  • Click the “Create identity” button at the top right-hand corner.
  • Select the “Email address” option and enter your desired email
  • Click the orange “Create identity” button.
  • Follow the link in the confirmation e-mail you received.

Congratulations! You verified your mail address and gave permission to send Amazon SES Transactional Email.

You can access the verified email list from the “Verified identities” section in the left menu.

Click your email and keep that page open to copy Amazon Resource Name (ARN) later.

Now we have AWS SES and lambda function that use SES email service. We need to give permission to our lambda function to access the AWS SES module.

Now, let’s update the permissions by following the steps below:

  • In the project directory navigate to the following directory:


  • Open this file and search “lambdaexecutionpolicy”
  • Add the following object to the Statement array and save.
"Action": ["ses:SendEmail"],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "the-arn-you-copied-from-ses"

The next step is to add the environment variable called SES_EMAIL to our function:

  • Open the terminal and run the following command:
amplify update function

Here we’ll describe the environment variable name and value. After following the amplify steps, your screen should look like below:

Push Backend

Finally, we can leave the job to Amplify. Open the terminal and write the code below:

amplify push

Amplify will provide a table of the resources we created, answer that with Yes.

It’ll take a few minutes to finish up and after that, our backend will be complete.

Now we have a frontend and backend setup. We can run and wait for the email notification.


Using Amplify simplifies setting up AWS services allowing the users to focus on the actual business logic.

We now have a full-stack serverless app that can send notifications on AWS Cloud. You can find the source code of this application on Github. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to create an issue.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our how-to guide for an email notification with AWS SES. Check out our DevOps services to start digital transformation today!

If you want to read more on this topic, feel free to check out the PurpleBox Blog Section.

