Our purpose…

Published in
9 min readOct 8, 2020


…and how we’ll amplify it

Paul Coverdale

Why we’re here: to help look after this. Photo by NASA


Our purpose is to make you think about your purpose then act upon it to make the world a better place. We want to provoke you to reflect about who you are connected to and the feelings your company’s actions arouse in those people and organisations, and then how the waves you make wash over their networks and society at large. And also how your activities impact our planet; our atmosphere, our land, our oceans and all life that inhabits it. All companies whether they have one person or one thousand on the payroll are made up of human beings. And, as complex and flawed as we all are as individuals, we believe those human beings in your business should be encouraged to explore what matters to them at work. Coalescing those ideas, passions, hopes and fears will help you to define your company’s purpose. Use them to set the direction you want to travel in and you’ll be able to answer the question we pose at the end of this blog.

Feelings are not the sort of things that businesses like to talk about but then, we’re not setting out to be an ordinary business.

We’re not alone in using purpose as a springboard to action. Simon Sinek’s famous TED talk that exhorted organisations to “start




I’m the founder of purpose AMPLIFIED, accelerating the positive impact of business through purpose. We’ll help your business to certify as a B Corporation.