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8 Counterintuitive Things To Do On Sunday For A Better Week

What you do on Sundays can set you up for a better week if you’re open to thinking differently.

Eric S Burdon
Published in
6 min readMar 21, 2022


Lately, my Sundays have morphed into a day where more important things happen. It’s a period where I still have to go out and about, do some productive things and relax as well.

Sundays are also pretty important when looking at productivity blog posts as well. These are the “calm before the storm” for some that is Monday and the start of a new week.

But for many others, Sunday is a day to do some counterintuitive things to make next week better for themselves.

Here is some of their thinking mixed with my own insights and practices.

1. Set Your Goals For The Week Ahead

Goals provide you with a direction to go in and can set you up to build habits throughout the week. These goals make it clear and help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed about what you want to be doing on a daily basis.

You have a goal — or two or three — now all you need to do is ensure you work on them and achieve them.

2. Plan Out Your Week Through Theme Days



Eric S Burdon
Purposeful Life

I write (and sometimes do videos) about self-help for those who don't like self-help. Complete with the occasional memes and riffs on the industry that I love.