About Purposeful Life

A publication on life lessons learned.

Eric S Burdon
Purposeful Life
Published in
4 min readJul 23, 2021


As I’ve been going through my self-improvement journey, there are many things I’ve learned. About the industry that I write it, what works and what doesn’t, and life lessons.

And one of the things that I’ve come to learn is just how much advice can be misleading. Some of it requires a certain level of privilege. Others rely on mysticism or have little proof of it being effective.

It’s pretty bad and sad to see that.

And while I know that the industry probably isn’t going to change quickly — or maybe even at all — I still wish to help it. In my own little way in the corner of the internet, I’ve carved out.

I’ve been writing since 2015 on self-improvement, hoping to lead a more purposeful life.

At the time, my writing was terrible. I jumped from topic to topic, headlines weren’t that interesting, amongst many other things. I still have a copy of a terrible writing sample I gave to a client before I had an actual blog.

But since then my writing has been more coherent, structured, and refined. I feel — after taking my writing seriously — that I can deliver appropriate messages and lessons better than I could before.



Eric S Burdon
Purposeful Life

Entrepreneur, positive-minded. I used to say a lot, but now I do a lot.