Photo by Yogendra Singh from Pexels

Is Walking Really Enough Exercise?

15 minutes per day is all you need.


The biggest barrier to building habits is ourselves and the thinking of others.

There are people in my industry who can’t wrap their heads around the fact some people can’t do what we recommend in our self-improvement or productivity articles. And yet still we force our own ideals on them.

We talk about how easy it is to do something when it isn’t always so simple.

That external force plus all the other aspects of our personal lives can cause us to crush any habit that we try to build.

  • We talk down to ourselves if we skip over a day of that habit.
  • We let other passions and interests take up our day.
  • Other commitments like work or our kids take up a lot of our time.

There is always something that can get in the way of us building a habit.

It’s for this reason why I look for easier methods to incorporate various habits. Focusing on smaller changes rather than suggesting we overhaul our entire lives and thinking process.

In light of this, one thing that’s incredible for our health is that people don’t need to be making as big of a commitment to their health as you’d think.



Eric S Burdon
Purposeful Life

I write (and sometimes do videos) about self-help for those who don't like self-help. Complete with the occasional memes and riffs on the industry that I love.