Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

This Productivity App Has Made Me Happy To Work

You only need one app to change your world around.

Eric S Burdon
Published in
7 min readDec 1, 2023


With a new year upon us, I want to try something a little different. Over on my blog, I’ll start publishing articles on products that I genuinely believe in and want to recommend to people.

Now obviously there will be an incentive for me to recommend them (i.e. buying these items will give me a kickback), but I’ll only recommend them if I use them, speak to people of the company, and genuinely enjoy them to suggest them in the first place.

It feels weird to recommend something like this on Medium, hence why it took me so long to post this one (I originally published this article on December 1st, 2023). But with my current goals in mind, I need to push myself out there and try out some new things.

As such, here are my thoughts on a productivity app that continues to change my life.

My favourite productivity app for a time was SoundCloud. It’s not your traditional productivity app, as it just plays music. There’s no accountability feature, timers, notifications, or anything of the sort. For me, it was the occasional music player that I used when I needed to get into a writing zone and I had trouble concentrating.



Eric S Burdon
Purposeful Life

I write (and sometimes do videos) about self-help for those who don't like self-help. Complete with the occasional memes and riffs on the industry that I love.