Securing Purposeful Advantage

Find the commercial opportunity in solving global problems

Oliver Holtaway
Purpose Magazine
2 min readJan 24, 2018


The most successful businesses of the future will be those that see the commercial opportunities in tackling the world’s biggest challenges. We call this “purposeful advantage”: the sweet spot where purpose and strategy combine to create commercial outperformance.

Our “purposeful advantage” sessions allow you to stake a claim to the business opportunities that sit within the key societal or environmental challenges that touch your business.

How it works

We take you through a series of interventions, including problem mapping, ecosystem analysis and “size of the prize” exercises. This inspires fresh strategic thinking about where the commercial opportunities are and which levers are within your reach — as well as creating a clear action plan for where you need to invest in order to maximise your purposeful advantage.

We also open up a space for you to feel why these problems and issues are so important to us as leaders, to confront the complexities and to inspire a hunger for transformation across your business.


At the end of the session, you’ll have:

  • A well-defined problem/opportunity to go after
  • A deeper understanding of the problem’s contours — and where the early wins are
  • A clear sense of how you will evolve the business and the team in order to succeed, backed by a development framework and action plan


Minimum 3 day session

To find out more about securing purposeful advantage for your business, call us on 01225 780000 or email

