Making Meaning with Stories

Why stories help us make meaning from our lives and experiences

Jade Eby
This Alchemical Life


Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

One of my Writing Fiction to Heal students recently sent me a heartfelt message about her novel and how the healing had extended beyond the pages of her writing and right into her real life. Her excitement about the revelations that had come to her was palpable in her message and it made my heart swell with pride.

“Jade, I think writing fiction to heal is even bigger than what we think it is. I don’t exactly know how, but I’m super excited to keep working with it and see what other gems it uncovers. You may have discovered a whole new kind of therapy.”
— Lesley D., Writing Fiction to Heal Student

This student has worked her butt off to get to this place because the truth is — writing fiction to heal isn’t easy. It is worthwhile, though. And the emotional work you do, both on and off the page, builds. Brick by metaphorical brick, you build the foundation of your emotional capacity to heal when you approach the page with honesty and vulnerability. When you are not afraid to experiment or question what you think you know about yourself and your story.

Writing Fiction to Heal mirrors the experiences we face in real life as well. You may start your writing fiction to heal novel thinking you know exactly what and why…



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