My 2021

Why my word of the year reminds me of grief and relief

Jade Eby
This Alchemical Life


Every year, as I prepare to write this post, I look back to previous years and compare my thoughts, feelings, predictions, etc. This year is no different except that everything feels different. 2020 did a number on us all. When I read my post for 2020, I had to grieve a little bit for the optimistic, naive version of me who wrote it. I remember thinking to myself as I pushed publish: “Man, nothing can be as bad as 2019…”

Wrong. So, so, wrong.

It was by far one of the worst years I’ve had but at least this year, I don’t feel so alone in feeling that way. It kind of sucked for everyone this year.

All that being said, I decided to spend less time reviewing the shitstorm of 2020 and focus on 2021. Because there are a lot of things that 2020 did teach me.

I sat with my word of the year for a long time before deciding on moving forward with it. It’s a word that evokes a lot of emotions but I feel like that’s exactly what I need in 2021. So without further ado, my word of the year is:



Jade Eby
This Alchemical Life

Creative Empowerment Advocate • Novelist and Certified Trauma Recovery Coach • Professional cat-herder