Come Across the Most Exclusive Ways for Proper Maintenance of Your Cat litter box

purr ifier
5 min readJul 16, 2018


To get the best experience of being a cat parent, you must take care of her as a growing child. If you treat her with love and patience, she will learn all that you want her to. Moreover, by behaving just like a smart kid, she will offer you with the happiness beyond your expectations. But sometimes, even after getting your affection, your kitty may behave in an unwanted way.

You must be aware of the fact that the most usual behavioral problem noticed amongst cats is soiling the house. This behavior that makes the cat avoid staying within the kitty litter box boundaries is the major reason why some cat parents end up providing shelter for such pets.

But have you ever thought why the cats act in this way? There are three main reasons that make the poor cats perform in such manner.

Reasons Responsible for Cats Behavioral Problems

Stress: By house soiling, the cats want to make you aware that they are feeling territorial or stressed. Sometimes, the cats do it unsystematically, but other times, they soil in specific patterns. All these are the symptoms that indicate the problem.

Medical Causes: Several medical disorders such as kidney disease, bladder stones, diabetes, or any other infection also results in making cats urinate out of their litter box. Thus, you should not assume that the kitty is turning naughty. Rather, have an appointment with your veterinarian.

Litter Unhappiness: Sometimes, the change in cats’ behavior is due to the changes in regards to cat litter box that makes it less alluring for the cat. For example — new location of the box, new litter, or the new Purr-ifier for the litter box odor control system.

So, if you are going through the phase where your kitty is not responding as you wish her to, read this blog. Including some simple tips, the content will help you to make your cat happy when it comes to maintenance of her litter box.

Some Most Exclusive Ways to Keep your Kitty Happy by Maintaining her Cat litter box

Aroma: It is not necessary that your kitty will like the same fragrances which you love. You both have different smelling sense and distinct nature thus; choices can also vary. Furthermore, instead of liking floral or citrus scents, cats prefer bleach, cedar, and fish odors. I think the best odor control system can stretch the time period for which your cat will use the specific litter box.

Position: Cats have a territorial nature. Even the one appearing to be comfortable with others can port unexpected feelings towards another. Therefore, if you are having more than one kitty then you should arrange the cat litter boxes strategically. With this arrangement, you may get a feeling of having a house like a center of litter boxes but it is advantageous to avoid the issues. Apart from it, you should also evade keeping the boxes near doors and windows in order to maintain the distance between your kitty and outdoor cats.

Cleanliness: Like you, your kitty also loves cleanliness. Therefore, just scooping her litter box is not enough always. You should clean it on regular basis. Moreover, if your cat shows potential litter box problems, then you are recommended to go for cleaning at least once in a day. Try to use the best cat litter box for odor control system for maintaining proper cleanliness.

Having More Prove Better: Some specialists recommend that having two litter boxes for one cat prove better. No, not four for two cats. If you are having two cats, then you can use three cat litter boxes — one for each kitty and the third one can be used by both. This will not only provide the comfort zone to your cats but also help in maintaining your family’s aromatic integrity.

Considering The Litter: In case of getting a new kitty, welcome her by providing various litter boxes along with different kinds of litters until you discover that which fits your cats’ nature. This will help you in making quite good relations with your kitty within a few days. Don’t forget to use the best odor control system in order to offer the new kitty with a clean and fresh environment.

Bigger Is Better but Not Too High: I think no one likes to go for a small or congested place which offers a feeling of suffocation. Same is the case with your kitty, she also needs a good sizable cat litter box that proffers a more clean and conformable feeling. But remember, the box should not be too high to climb by the kitty. It may spoil her entire good experience of having the big spaced litter box.

Avoid Lid: Always prefer buying the litter boxes that are clear, free from lids and have a kitty-sized opening. This is to help her in escaping over the top in case if she senses an attacker on the horizons.

Boring Experience: Even you get bored using the same thing for a long time, so how can you forget about your kitty. Using the same cat litter box along with the litter may turn boring for the kitty and it starts avoiding it. Therefore, try to change the litter but not instantly. You should do it in a systematic manner and gradually. For instance, change some litter this week and some on the next. This will provide you with a cent percent changed litter after some time along with preventing your kitty to face issues with the new one.

The above-given tips will for sure aid you in the maintenance of your cat litter box which in turn provide your kitty with a clean, fresh, and healthy environment. Following these tips seriously and properly will be advantageous in maintaining good and long-lasting relationships with your cats. So, develop a habit of nursing your kitty in an excellent way offered by these exclusive tips in order to get the best possible affection from your cat’s side.

Enjoy Building Up an Affectionate Relationship with Your Kitty!


