Loadpipe + Purse

Loadpipe to Acquire Purse

Purse Blog
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2023


Dear Purse Community,

It feels like a lifetime ago since we launched purse.io 9 years ago. We started with a mission of making bitcoin useful and imagined the whole world using bitcoin to transact for everyday purchases. We’re thankful for everyone who believed in the vision and used our platform to shop and earn bitcoin — without you, we would not have been able to build Purse, open source infrastructure, and new protocols.

Today, I’m pleased to announce we’ve entered into an agreement to be acquired by Loadpipe. We chose Loadpipe because they are e-commerce veterans focused on mainstream adoption. As an industry, we’re still on Day One in terms of developing real world crypto use cases for the masses, and we feel confident in the e-commerce veteran team at Loadpipe to continue stewarding our evolved vision to make crypto useful.

More details will be shared in the coming weeks, but we’re excited by Loadpipe’s plans to combine technology we’ve built including the marketplace and Handshake, to integrate them with the latest Web3 solutions, and to deliver compelling value for customers.

On behalf of everyone at Purse, thank you for being a part of the journey.

Andrew Lee, Co-founder

For press inquiries, please contact media@purse.io

