How to mint Hope For Children NFT

Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2022

Greetings everyone! Hope For Children is collaborating with Function X Foundation and Pundi X Labs to launch “Hope For Children NFT” to accept crypto donations to support children suffering from the war in Ukraine. Let’s go through the process on how to mint (acquire) your own Hope For Children NFT. All the PURSE tokens used to mint the NFT will be donated to Hope For Children for the needs of the actions mentioned in the announcement.

For PURSE token holders

The holders having $PURSE on BSC chain are able to mint Hope For Children NFT in f(x)wallet beta or any BSC compatible blockchain wallet, including Metamask, Trust and others. These NFTs are BEP-721 assets on Binance Smart Chain and on a first-come-first-get basis. A total of 50,000 Hope For Children NFTs issued as a proof of donation for donors to collect.

To donate and receive this special version of NFTs, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Head to with your desktop browser.
  2. Connect using Metamask or BSC compatible wallets that support WalletConnect protocol.
  3. Make sure you have at least 20,000 $PURSE tokens and some $BNB on Binance Smart Chain in your blockchain to mint. $BNB is required for the transaction fee.

Using f(x)Wallet beta:

  1. Download f(x)wallet beta version here: You can either create a new wallet or import your existing blockchain wallet.
  2. Select WalletConnect on and scan the QR code.

3. Select your address containing BNB and PURSE and then click authorize.

4. Approve the transaction and then enter the amount of Hope For Children NFT you would like to mint.

5. Wait for block confirmation. Once confirmed, Hope For Children NFT will be yours! You can also check your NFTs collection by clicking “My NFTs”. You can also view your NFT on the f(x)Wallet app.

Using Metamask Extension on your desktop browser

  1. Download Metamask extension here: (Chrome) ; (Firefox). You can either create a new wallet or import your existing blockchain wallet.
  2. Select Metamask on and it will automatically open an window of the Metamask
  3. Click the top of the network menu and add network.

4. Enter Binance Smart Chain Network info to add network. If you add before,
you can skip this step. Here is the info to add:
Network Name: Smart Chain
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:

5. Make sure you have at least 20,000 $PURSE and 0.003 $BNB in your Binance Network Wallet to mint.

6. Approve the transaction on and enter the amount of the NFTs you want to mint. Please note that there will be two transactions and both require BNB as the network fees.




Reward token by @PundiXLabs. Created to incentivize #XPOS usage, redeem #NFT’s, expand Pundi X Chain’s ecosystem and increase $PUNDIX value through rewards.